Mobility and aging: new directions for public health action

Satariano WA, Guralnik JM, Jackson RJ, Marottoli RA, Phelan EA, Prohaska TR.
Am J Public Health. 2012 Aug;102(8):1508-15. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300631. Epub 2012 Jun 14.

SOURCE:  School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.

Optimal mobility, defined as relative ease and freedom of movement in all of its forms, is central to healthy aging. Mobility is a significant consideration for research, practice, and policy in aging and public health. We examined the public health burdens of mobility disability, with a particular focus on leading public health interventions to enhance walking and driving, and the challenges and opportunities for public health action. We propose an integrated mobility agenda, which draws on the lived experience of older adults. New strategies for research, practice, and policy are needed to move beyond categorical promotion programs in walking and driving to establish a comprehensive program to enhance safe mobility in all its forms.