Karl Cooper Joins AAHD as Project Associate for National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative

An attorney and disability advocate, Karl Cooper has spent most of his career addressing the needs of people with disabilities. Since October 2013, he has been AAHD’s Project Associate for the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC). He provides technical assistance to navigators and other enrollment specialists as they help people with disabilities obtain health […]

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AAHD to Support National Council on Aging’s Education Programs

AAHD will help the National Council on Aging (NCOA) Center for Healthy Aging, National Resource Center on Chronic Disease Self-Management, provide Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) programs to the disability community. AAHD will provide the following support: Bring expertise and visibility to the Center’s efforts to scale CDSME programs by developing appropriate messaging to recruit […]

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Stop the Clot: The National Blood Clot Alliance

The National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) is working to advance the prevention, early diagnosis and successful treatment of life-threatening blood clots, such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and clot-provoked stroke. The alliance’s constituency includes everyone who might be susceptible to blood clots, which includes people with clotting disorders, atrial fibrillation, cancer, traumatic injury, and those at risk due […]

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David Barnstone Joins AAHD as Social Media Intern

In his role as AAHD’s new social media intern, David Barnstone works closely with Executive Director Roberta Carlin and Project Associate Karl Cooper to increase AAHD’s visibility and promote engagement with its initiatives, including the Disability Research and Dissemination Center and National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative. Barnstone helps AAHD manage its presence across various social […]

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The “Year of Community Living”

In 2009 — on the 10-year anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Olmstead v. L.C. — President Obama proclaimed 2009 the “Year of Community Living.” The landmark Supreme Court ruling supported community living options for people with disabilities. Shortly after Obama’s proclamation, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced an initiative to make it easier for older people, younger […]

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New York Builds Disability and Minority Interests into RFP Process

As of January 2009, all Requests for Proposals/Applications (RFP/A) issued from New York’s Department of Health, Center for Community Health (CCH) must reflect the needs of people with disabilities and minorities, regardless of where the funding is coming from — the state or the private sector. In March 2010, the policy was extended to the […]

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Health Care Reform and People With Disabilities: What’s Ahead?

Nearly three months after the arrival of long-awaited health care reform, many people are not sure how things will change. In May 2010, 44 percent of Americans reported being confused about it, and more than a third of the public do not understand how the new law will affect them and their families.1 The Patient […]

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H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Fact Sheet

The American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) has prepared the following information as a timely quick resource to websites and resources on H1N1, seasonal flu, vaccines, antivirals and diagnostics. This page will be updated and modified on a regular basis on our website. Please feel free to circulate and contact AAHD at contact@aahd.us to add additional resources. Please check […]

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Oregon’s RRTC Clearing a Path to Health

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center: Health and Wellness (www.ohsu.edu/oidd/rrtc/index.cfm ) at Oregon Institute on Disability and Development (OIDD) is launching several projects, and Amy Cline, MPH, Dissemination Coordinator withRRTC, is charged with disseminating them. The center promotes the health and wellness of people with disabilities through research, training, technical assistance and dissemination focused on three important […]

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New Study Shows Much Higher Rates of Spinal Cord Injury and Paralysis than Earlier Studies

A groundbreaking survey of more than 33,000 households shows that the number of Americans living with spinal cord injury is 40 percent higher than previously thought. The survey, which was initiated by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, found that 1.275 million Americans have a spinal cord injury, and more than 5.6 million live with […]

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