Public Policy Center

First “Medicare for All” Congressional Proposal Includes a LTSS Benefit

Representatives DeLauro (D-CT) and Schakowsky (D-IL) proposed “Medicare for All” legislative proposal includes a long term services and supports benefit. The legislative summary and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) August Principles for LTSS in Health Reform, signed by AAHD, are here: legislative summary;  “Medicare for All” support letter. […]

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Legislation To Expand Medicare Payment of Wheelchairs & Othoses

The ITEM (Independence Through Enhancement of Medicare and Medicaid) Coalition has written letters supporting 3 legislative bills to enhance Medicare. AAHD is an ITEM Coalition member. Available here: Nov 19 letter on HR 3730, wheelchair accessories; Nov 19 letter on titanium wheelchairs; and Nov 28 on soon to be introduced legislation on properly fitting orthoses: […]

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Legislation To Expand Medicare Payment of Wheelchairs & Othoses

The ITEM (Independence Through Enhancement of Medicare and Medicaid) Coalition has written letters supporting 3 legislative bills to enhance Medicare. AAHD is an ITEM Coalition member. Available here: Nov 19 letter on HR 3730, wheelchair accessories; Nov 19 letter on titanium wheelchairs; and Nov 28 on soon to be introduced legislation on properly fitting orthoses: […]

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