AAHD has joined the Medicare Access for Patients Rx (MAPRx) guide for open enrollment consumers of Medicare Part D plans; the guide is here: PDF. […]
Policy Updates
The American Association on Health and Disability plays an important role in disability policy and advocacy at the national level. AAHD strives to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities receive attention and respect on the national legislative agenda. AAHD is involved in numerous disability coalitions and networks that address the needs of people with disabilities. Please visit the Policy site to learn more about our activities in this area. AAHD staff maintain an active role in Washington, DC to ensure that health promotion and wellness for people with disabilities is on the disability and healthcare agenda. AAHD staff have positions on the APHA, Disability Section, Executive Council; the CDC, NCBDDD, Executive Committee; Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities-CCD and serve on the National Health Council; Coalition for Health Funding; Disability Rehabilitation and Research Coaltion; Coalition for Whole Health, Patient Care Primary Care Collaborative; and other coalitions advocating for policy that works towards reducing health disparities between people with disabilities and the general population and reducing the incidence of secondary conditions in children and adults with disabilities.
Health Disparities and Persons with Mental Illness – To the House Ways and Means Committee
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined and co-authored a Mental Health Liaison Group (MHLG) peer support workgroup members submission to the House Ways and Means Committee RFI on health disparities, focused on persons with mental illness. Mental Health America (MHA) is a workgroup co-chair and prime author of the statement. On September 26, we […]
Website Accessibility: DOJ Proposed Regulations for State and Local Governments (2)
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined the Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD) submitting comments to the Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Rights Division (CRD) proposed rules on the accessibility of website information and services of state and local governments. See October 3 web posting for the ITEM Coalition submission. The October 3 CCD […]
Website Accessibility: DOJ Proposed Regulations for State and Local Governments
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined the ITEM (Independence Through Enhancement Of Medicare and Medicaid) Coalition submitting comments to the Department of Justice (DOJ) Civil Rights Division (CRD) proposed rules on the accessibility of website information and services of state and local governments. The October 3 ITEM Coalition submission is here: PDF. […]
Medicaid HCBS (Home-and-Community-Based Services) – Senator Seeks Emergency Funding
Senator Bob Casey (PA), Chair, Senate Select Committee on Aging, is seeking co-sponsors for an effort for Medicaid HCBS emergency funding. The Senator plans to introduce legislation with co-sponsors by the end of October. He is seeking co-sponsors. Available here are the Senator’s one pager and his legislative text. […]
NIH/NIMHD Designates People with Disabilities as a Health Disparity Population (4)
The Disability and Rehabilitation Research Coalition (DRRC), which includes AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation, has written NIH/NIHMD thanking the organizations for their September 26 NIH/NIHMD announcement. We posted the announcement on September 26. Prior coalition advocacy efforts were posted Sept 12 and August 3. The DRRC Sept 27 letter is here: PDF. […]
NIH/NIMHD Designates People with Disabilities as a Health Disparity Population
Available here are the September 26 NIH/NIHMD announcement, and, Washington Post article. […]
Health Disparities and Persons with Co-Occurring Conditions: AAHD and Lakeshore Submission to the House Ways and Means Committee
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have replied to a House Ways and Means Committee RFI and submitted a statement focused on persons with a variety of co-occurring conditions and health disparities. Available here are the Sept 7 Committee RFI and the AAHD-Lakeshore Sept 25 submission. […]
CDC National Center on Health Statistics – Adequate Funding
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined the Friends of the National Center on Health Statistics asking Congress to adequately fund NCHS and keep the program operating. The September 21 letter, signed by 37 national organizations, is here: PDF. […]
Medicare – Reducing Beneficiary Prescription Medications Out-of-Pocket Expenses (2)
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined the Medicare Access for Patients Rx Coalition letter to CMS on the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan to reduce beneficiary out-of-pocket expenses. We previously posted (Sept 21) an Alliance for Aging Research coalition letter. The September 20 MAPRx coalition letter with 29 organizations, including the AAR, is here: PDF. […]