Public Policy Center

TREAT Long COVID Legislation Introduced

AAHD has endorsed legislation led by Rep Pressley (MA) and co-sponsored by Reps Beyer (VA) and Blunt-Rochester (DE) and Senators Duckworth (IL), Kaine (VA), and Markey (MA). The legislation would authorize a new HHS grant program targeted to Long COVID. Available here are the April 7 rep Pressley press release listing supporters, a one page […]

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Medicaid and Disability – AAHD Presentation To the CMS Administrator

On April 7, AAHD joined a by invitation CMS Administrator listening session. Available here is AAHD’s issue brief on five issues discussed by AAHD at the CMS Administrator Listening Session: (1) Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS); (2)  Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) – Core Quality Measure Set (3) More Effective Coordination (Ultimately Integration) For Persons Dually Eligible […]

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Behavioral Health-General Health Integration at the House Energy and Commerce Committee Hearing

AAHD has joined the American Psychological Assn, No Health without Mental Health, as partners with 8 national organizations, submitting a testimony statement to the April 5 hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Heath hearing on “Communities in Need: Legislation To Support Mental Health and Well-Being.” Available here are the April 4 […]

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