National Disability and Health Equity Center

The American Association on Health & Disability (AAHD) is a national leader in research, knowledge translation and strategic dissemination in the field of disability and health. AAHD conducts research, translates findings, and disseminates materials (informational products, research reports, etc.) about AAHD projects and has a long history of conducting customized dissemination for other organizations.

Knowledge-to-Action Framework

AAHD has developed a knowledge-to-action framework to ensure that dissemination materials reach and result in action by different audiences (end users) such as persons with disabilities and disability advocacy organizations, health and public health organizations, health providers, researchers, policy makers and others.  AAHD can develop a customized dissemination plan for materials and products produced by your organization, including an audience analysis and customized knowledge translation (KT) product templates, and will draft, edit, and disseminate a wide variety of accessible KT materials tailored to your end user preferences and vocabulary.

AAHD Knowledge to Action Framework
Source: Drum, 2018

  • Problem/Disparity
    The first step in the AAHD Knowledge to Action Framework is the emergence of a disability and health problem or disparity needing scientific inquiry or the dissemination of information about the problem or programs and initiatives that address the problem.
  • Knowledge Mining
    AAHD specializes in a “discovery sprint”- a short, intense period of research to compile information about a disability and health problem or disparity.  AAHD can also conduct more extensive environmental scans, literature reviews, scoping and systematic reviews to describe the current state of the science in disability and health by drawing upon our holdings in the AAHD Resource Center and connection with the Disability and Health Journal, and research experience.
  • Knowledge Creation
    Through our research or partners’ research, knowledge is created about a health and disability problem or programs and initiatives.  AAHD typically uses Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) or Participatory Action Research (PAR) techniques to conduct research in partnership with persons with disabilities and other end users.
  • Knowledge Translation
    AAHD uses an Integrated Knowledge Translation (IKT) model to include different end users in interpreting findings and writing up the results.  AAHD conducts audience segment analysis, forms IKT Panels made up of end users and AAHD staff, develops customized KT product templates, and drafts a wide variety of accessible KT products tailored to end user preferences and vocabulary (including clear, simple, and culturally appropriate language).
  • Knowledge Transfer
    Knowledge Transfer is the intentional dissemination of information to different audiences to facilitate increased awareness and/or changes in policy and practice.  AAHD uses proactive, interactive, and reactive dissemination strategies to transfer information to end users.

    • Proactive dissemination is the distribution of KT products to a specific audience but with limited feedback opportunities. Examples include publishing a journal article or disseminating a report to specific public health officials.
    • Interactive dissemination includes opportunities for feedback or dialog regarding a KT product such as adding a Question and Answer period after a webinar summarizing research findings.
    • Reactive dissemination is the distribution of a KT product after receiving an end user’s request for information, such as a request for a report generated though a website.

AAHD PIR Knowledge Transfer Model
Source: Drum, 2018

  • Knowledge Utilization
    Based on analytical and anecdotal techniques, AAHD can create visual maps to illustrate how different end users obtain information and what content and formats are more likely to result in action.  AAHD uses integrated knowledge translation principles, including ITK panels, and process and outcome evaluation techniques (see below) to increase the likelihood that KT products are adopted and used by different end users.
  • Evaluation
    AAHD conducts evaluation at each step of the Knowledge-to-Action process to ensure that knowledge translation and dissemination activities are timely, of high quality, and effective in increasing knowledge and impacting program and policy decision-making among end users.  AAHD engages in a range of process evaluation activities focusing on quality, utility and satisfaction assessments and outcome assessments that focus on establishing the impact of knowledge translation and dissemination activities and products.

AAHD Knowledge Translation and Dissemination Services:

AAHD is uniquely positioned to assist researchers and programs in developing and disseminating KT products that bridge the gap between the receipt of information and changes in policy and/or practice.  Services include audience segment analysis, IKT panel development and coordination, KT product development (including alternate formats), strategic dissemination, and evaluation.  AAHD can assist you in developing a dissemination plan and disseminate your informational products.

AAHD KT product development and dissemination activities include:

  • Formation of Integrated Knowledge Translation Panels
  • Development of Customized KT and Dissemination Plans
  • Development of Research Summaries/Issue Briefs/Research Briefs/Case Statements and other KT Products
  • Rapid Journal Manuscript & Research Report Development using the Intensive Manuscript Development Technique (IMDT™) developed by Dr. Charles Drum
  • Development of Topical & Interactive Webinars, Seminars, & Workshops
  • Coordinating Conferences/Coalition Meetings
  • Facilitating Small Group Discussion and Facilitation
  • Press Release Dissemination & Interviews
  • Electronic Newsletter Development and Dissemination
  • Access to Multiple Segregated List serves for KT Product Dissemination
  • Distribution of KT Materials through Social Media Platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Groups, You Tube, Thunderclap, Tumblr, Hootsuite)

If you are interested in AAHD assisting you with research, knowledge translation, and dissemination, please send an email to Charles Drum, Director, National Disability and Health Equity Center or Karl Cooper, Executive Director, AAHD.