Affordable Care Act

Disability Week of Action Blog Posts

Disability Week of Action for Open Enrollment Year 7 (OE7) was November 17-23, 2019 and throughout the week, we posted in the blog on our NDNRC website about the Week of Action and highlighting health insurance enrollment for people with disabilities. The topics for those blog posts as well as links are as follows:

ACA Open Enrollment Begins November 1, 2019 – click here.

AAHD Continues Collaboration with Community Catalyst Outreach Project

AAHD is excited to announce that we are continuing to join Community Catalyst and other partners in this year’s outreach project for Open Enrollment Year 6 (OE6) to educate individuals about enrolling for health insurance for 2019. Community Catalyst, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is serving as the national coordinating organization for an effort to spread awareness about the past open enrollment period, from November 1st to December 15th. We will also spread awareness about health insurance literacy and special enrollment periods. Through this project, Community Catalyst will:

  • Create plain-language consumer-facing materials advertising the upcoming open enrollment period and special enrollment period. Materials will emphasize key messages around financial assistance, in-person help and the shortened open enrollment period. Materials will also include information consumers will need to enroll, benefits of health coverage and enrollment considerations for populations like immigrants.
  • Partner with national organizations to disseminate the materials and raise awareness.
  • Target key populations who may be eligible for marketplace coverage including people with disabilities, young adults, immigrant communities, persons of color and persons who identify as LGBTQ.

Images (like the one to the right) and materials to assist with open enrollment can be found in this online drive. As part of this project, Young Invincibles has created an Open Enrollment Toolkit which highlights key messages and sample posts to help with open enrollment outreach efforts. The list of national partners responsible for disseminating materials includes:

  • American Association on Health and Disability
  • Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum
  • Betty & Smith
  • Black Women’s Health Imperative
  • Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  • Feeding America
  • Health Literacy Media
  • National Association of Community Health Centers
  • National Urban League
  • New Jersey Citizen Action
  • Out2Enroll
  • Public Library Association
  • Raising Women’s Voices
  • UnidosUS
  • Young Invincibles


AAHD Continues to Support CACH Project with CBPP

The American Association on Health and Disability (the lead partner for the NDNRC) is happy to announce that we are again joining a new project which is being funded by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The project, called the Consumer Assistance Coordination Hub (CACH), will support individuals and groups that provide enrollment assistance. Through this project, CBPP and its partners will:

  • Provide resources and trainings on Marketplace and Medicaid policies and application processes, including how to maximize efforts during the shortened open enrollment period;
  • Monitor Marketplace processes and other external events that affect enrollment to ensure that enrollment assistance groups can rapidly respond to changes; and
  • Answer policy and application process questions.

The national and local partners in CACH will allow CBPP to expand the training and other resources it provides through Beyond the Basics and provide in-depth information about specific topics such as state-specific Marketplace plan selection, eligibility and enrollment processes for people with disabilities and how to support families that include immigrants navigate concerns when enrolling.

National Partners:

  • American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD)
  • Dave Chandrasekaran, health consultant
  • National Health Law Program (NHeLP)
  • National Immigration Law Center (NILC)

State and Local Partners:

  • Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, North Carolina
  • International Institute of St Louis, Missouri
  • North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities (NDCPD), North Dakota
  • Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law, Illinois
  • SEAMAAC, Inc., Pennsylvania
  • Virginia Poverty Law Center, Virginia
  • Center for Public Priorities, Texas