CDC, NCBDDD Partnership


AAHD continues to be a strong supporter of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.  AAHD staff previously Chaired the Friends of NCBDDD from 2012 – 2013 and currently sit on the Executive Committee in the role of Past Chair (2014 – 2016).  AAHD is proud of our long standing relationship with NCBDDD and that we share a similar mission – promoting health and wellness for people with disabilities, to include reducing health disparities, supporting full inclusion and accessibility so children and adults with disabilities can lead full and productive lives.

As part of AAHD’s partnership with NCBDDD we strive to reduce health disparities between people with disabilities and the non – disabled population.  We both share the concern that people with disabilities are an unrecognized health disparity population and as a group have a worse health status than the non – disabled population.  This has been known for a long time and was stated in the 2005 Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Improve the Health and Wellness for People with disabilities.  AAHD staff currently Co-Chair on of the four NCBDDD thematic areas – Improving Health of Persons with Disabilities.  Our workgroup is prioritizing two areas:  access to healthcare providers and access to healthcare facilities – two areas of critical importance to improving the health status of people with disabilities. It the intent of the workgroup to be a key player in reducing health disparities by increasing access to healthcare facilities and providers.

AAHD also is working with NCBDDD as part of the Disability Research and Dissemination Center (DRDC) The intent of the DRDC is to support NCBDDD’s capacity to conduct research that prevents birth defects and promotes the health and well-being of people with disabilities.  AAHD partners with the University of South Carolina and the State University of New York Upstate Medical University (SUNY – Upstate).  This partnership was funded through a five year cooperative agreement with NCBDDD.  AAHD is responsible for the Dissemination and Policy Core.  The other cores are Administration, Research, and Training and Education.

As part of the DRDC cooperative agreement, AAHD and our university partners, worked collaboratively with NCBDDD, Disability and Health Branch on the Expert Panel Meeting to Identify a Road Map for the Future for the Disability and Health Branch. This meeting utilized the concept mapping strategy which included both stakeholder engagement and scientific methodology, resulting in solid recommendations for the NCBDDD Disability and Health Branch to build their program over the next 10 years.

AAHD also supports NCBDDD in areas of information dissemination and communications and works closely with the science, policy and program staff on various initiatives.

NCBDDD Disability and Health State Grantees

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) state-based disability and health programs inform policy and practice at the state level. These programs ensure that individuals with disabilities are included in ongoing state disease prevention, health promotion, and emergency response activities.  CDC supports 18 state-based programs to promote equity in health, prevent chronic disease, and increase the quality of life for people with disabilities. Each program customizes its activities to meet its state’s needs, which broadens expertise and information sharing among states. Please visit to learn more about the 18 funded disability and health state grantee programs.