
The Abstracts Section of the AAHD website serves to share categorized Research Abstracts on topics related to disability and health.  Our search criteria typically includes published research not more than 6 years old, utilizing research conducted in United States, Canada and England.  However, in certain situations, you will find published research that is more than 6 years old and published in other countries.  

Inclusion on the AAHD website does not imply the staff or the Board of Directors has evaluated recommended or supports the reported findings. The information presented on the website is not intended to provide medical advice on the management or care of a person with a disability.  This information is not intended to replace medical advice from a qualified health care professional.  AAHD does not employ medical personnel in their national office.  By navigating this site and related links, you waive any and all claims relating to the usage of information presented by AAHD on their website. 

Please visit AAHD’s official publication, the Disability and Health Journal (DHJO), which is indexed on Medline and PsycINFO and is published quarterly.  The DHJO is a scientific, scholarly and multidisciplinary journal for reporting original contributions that advance knowledge in disability and health.  The DHJO includes reports of empirical research on the systematic or other evidenced based reviews and tightly conceived theoretical interpretations of research literature, reports of empirical research on the evaluative research on new interventions, technologies and programs and reports of empirical research on the reports on issues or policies affecting the health and/or quality of life for persons with disabilities using a scientific base.  Please visit www.disabilityandhealthjnl.com to learn more about the DHJO.