Promoting sexuality across the life span for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Sexuality is a human right that is important to all individuals regardless of age, gender, orientation, or developmental level. Sexuality is closely related to a person’s self-concept and self-esteem. Individuals with I/DD have a right to sexuality and sexual expression. Nevertheless, persons with I/DD have historically been denied this right, and many structural and attitudinal […]

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Needs Assessment Research: Women’s Health

Deaf women: experiences and perceptions of healthcare system access. Steinberg AG, Wiggins EA, Barmada CH, Sullivan VJ. Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2002 Oct;11(8):729-41 Background: The authors investigated the knowledge, attitudes, and healthcare experiences of Deaf women. p. Methods: Interviews with 45 deaf […]

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Maximizing health in menopausal women with disabilities.

There are nearly 30 million women with disabilities in the United States. Of these, more than 16 million are over the age of 50. Years ago, women with disabilities did not commonly live to the age of menopause, and, if they did, they reached this stage of life in a very debilitated condition. Now, women […]

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Health characteristics and health services utilization in older adults with intellectual disability living in community residences.

Background: The health status and health needs of adults with intellectual disability (ID) change with advancing age, and are often accompanied by difficulties with vision, hearing, mobility, stamina and some mental processes. Objective: The present study collected health status information on a large cohort of adults with ID aged > or = 40 years living […]

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Needs Assessment Research: Access to Healthcare

A focus group study of accessibility and related psychosocial issues in diabetes education for people with visual impairment. Williams AS. Diabetes Education Associates, 3495 Edison Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44121, USA. Diabetes Educ 2002 Nov-Dec;28(6):999-1008 Purpose: This study was conducted to identify accessibility and related psychosocial issues in diabetes care and education for visually […]

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The epidemiology of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a public health view.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood. However, basic information about how the prevalence of ADHD varies by race/ethnicity, sex, age, and socio-economic status remains poorly described. One reason is that difficulties in the diagnosis of ADHD have translated into difficulties developing an adequate case definition for epidemiologic studies. Diagnosis depends […]

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Disability Policy Research: Health Promotion

Community-based persons with mental retardation: opportunities for health promotion. Ridenour N, Norton D. Graduate Nursing Program, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing, Lubbock 79430, USA. Nurse Pract Forum 1997 Jun;8(2):45-9 The public policy of supporting the mentally retarded in community-based, group home environments provides an exciting opportunity for nurses to develop health […]

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A review of collaborative partnerships as a strategy for improving community health.

Collaborative partnerships (people and organizations from multiple sectors working together in common purpose) are a prominent strategy for community health improvement. This review examines evidence about the effects of collaborative partnerships on (a) community and systems change (environmental changes), (b) community-wide behavior change, and © more distant population-level health outcomes. We also consider the conditions […]

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Health promotion for people with disabilities: the emerging paradigm shift from disability prevention to prevention of secondary conditions.

The premise of this article is that, until recently, health promotion for people with disabilities has been a neglected area of interest on the part of the general health community. Today, researchers, funding agencies, and health care providers and consumers are leading an effort to establish higher-quality health care for the millions of Americans with […]

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Secondary health conditions among middle-aged individuals with chronic physical disabilities: implications for unmet needs for services.

Data from the Aging with Disability (AwD) Study are used to examine variations in the types and frequency of secondary conditions experienced by 301 middle-aged individuals living with the effects of three disabling conditions: polio (n = 124), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (n = 103), and stroke (n = 75). All respondents were randomly selected from […]

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