Prevalence and correlates of obesity in a community sample of individuals with severe and persistent mental illness.

Individuals with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) have a preponderance of weight problems, possibly even greater than the obesity epidemic in the general population. Although atypical antipsychotics cause weight gain, their contribution to obesity has not been characterized in a community setting where individuals may take multiple psychotropics associated with weight gain. Using survey […]

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Community health and nutrition screening for Special Olympics athletes.

Since 1961, Special Olympics has provided sports training and athletic competition for people with mental retardation. A recent addition to these Olympics has been the Healthy Athletes Program, designed to help the athletes improve their health and fitness, leading to enhanced sports experiences and well being. Original health services included dental and eye screening. In […]

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Community health and nutrition screening for Special Olympics athletes.

Since 1961, Special Olympics has provided sports training and athletic competition for people with mental retardation. A recent addition to these Olympics has been the Healthy Athletes Program, designed to help the athletes improve their health and fitness, leading to enhanced sports experiences and well being. Original health services included dental and eye screening. In […]

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Exercise Research: Women’s Health

Changes in function and disability after resistance training: does velocity matter?: a pilot study. Sayers SP, Bean J, Cuoco A, LeBrasseur NK, Jette A, Fielding RA. Human Physilogy Laboratory, Department of Health Science, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2003 Aug;82(8):605-13. Objective: To compare the effects of high- and low-velocity […]

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The influence of health, social support quality and rehabilitation on depression among disabled elders.

This study examined the influence of health, social support, disability, and vision rehabilitation services on depression among visually impaired older adults seeking vision rehabilitation services. Participants (n = 95) were interviewed at application and approximately two years later. The first hierarchical regression model focused on concurrent relationships at baseline. The second model used baseline health […]

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Disabilities, quality of life, and mental disorders associated with smoking and nicotine dependence.

Objective: Epidemiological studies have reported an association between smoking and mental disorders. However, little is known about the impairment associated with nicotine dependence. Methods: The authors assessed health-related quality of life, disability, and psychiatric comorbidity in adults with and without nicotine dependence. The analysis was based on data from 3,293 respondents, ages 18 to 65, […]

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Promoting sexuality across the life span for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Sexuality is a human right that is important to all individuals regardless of age, gender, orientation, or developmental level. Sexuality is closely related to a person’s self-concept and self-esteem. Individuals with I/DD have a right to sexuality and sexual expression. Nevertheless, persons with I/DD have historically been denied this right, and many structural and attitudinal […]

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Needs Assessment Research: Women’s Health

Deaf women: experiences and perceptions of healthcare system access. Steinberg AG, Wiggins EA, Barmada CH, Sullivan VJ. Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2002 Oct;11(8):729-41 Background: The authors investigated the knowledge, attitudes, and healthcare experiences of Deaf women. p. Methods: Interviews with 45 deaf […]

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Maximizing health in menopausal women with disabilities.

There are nearly 30 million women with disabilities in the United States. Of these, more than 16 million are over the age of 50. Years ago, women with disabilities did not commonly live to the age of menopause, and, if they did, they reached this stage of life in a very debilitated condition. Now, women […]

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