H1N1 and Seasonal Flu Fact Sheet

The American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) has prepared the following information as a timely quick resource to websites and resources on H1N1, seasonal flu, vaccines, antivirals and diagnostics. This page will be updated and modified on a regular basis on our website. Please feel free to circulate and contact AAHD at contact@aahd.us to add additional resources. Please check […]

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Oregon’s RRTC Clearing a Path to Health

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center: Health and Wellness (www.ohsu.edu/oidd/rrtc/index.cfm ) at Oregon Institute on Disability and Development (OIDD) is launching several projects, and Amy Cline, MPH, Dissemination Coordinator withRRTC, is charged with disseminating them. The center promotes the health and wellness of people with disabilities through research, training, technical assistance and dissemination focused on three important […]

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