Indiana: Health & Disability Programs

Indiana Department of Health’s Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS)
CSHCS provides supplemental medical coverage to help families of children (from birth to 21 years of age) with serious, chronic medical conditions who meet the program’s financial and medical criteria. Some of the physical conditions which may qualify for inclusion are: apnea, arthritis, severe asthma, autism, cerebral palsy, chronic anemia, chromosomal disorders, chronic pulmonary disease, cleft lip and/or palate, congenital heart disease or arrhythmias, cystic fibrosis, endocrine deficiencies (e.g. diabetics), hydrocephalus, inflammatory bowel disease, metabolism conditions such as PKU, myelodysplasia or spinal cord dysfunction (e.g. spina bifida) , neuromuscular dysfunction, oncologic disorders (e.g. cancer) , profound bilateral hearing loss, renal disease, seizure disorder, and severe hemophilia.  Services may include:  diagnostic evaluations, comprehensive well child and sick child care, specialty care and other services related to the eligible medical conditions, immunizations, prescription drugs, routine dental care, and community referrals and information.
2 North Meridian Street, Section 7B
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 233-8922
Toll-free (800) 475-1355
Indiana Department of Health’s Chronic Disease Division, Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
The Diabetes Prevention and Control Program provides community based programs including the Diabetes Education Empowerment Program, which was developed to provide residents with the tools to manage their diabetes more effectively to reduce complications and lead healthier and longer lives; the Diabetes Prevention Program, which aids in the prevention of diabetes by helping pre-screened individuals who are considered pre-diabetic to set personal lifestyle goals; EnhanceFitness, an evidence-based exercise program to help older adults at all levels of fitness become more active and empowered to maintain independent lives; and Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, a community-based education course for older adults (60+) or caregivers of people with a chronic disease, designed to empower participants to take charge of their health and lead more productive and satisfying lives.
2 North Meridian Street, 6B
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 233-7634
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s (FSSA) Division of Aging
The FSSA’s Division of Aging  facilitates a variety of programs including the following to fulfill its mission of enhancing comprehensive and coordinated community-based systems serving seniors throughout Indiana:  Adult Day Services, Adult Foster Care, Adult Guardianship Services, Adult Protective Services, ARCH (Assistance to Residents in County Homes), Assisted Living, Home Health Care, Hospice, Long Term Care Ombudsman Program, Medicaid Waiver Program, Money Management Program, Nursing Facilities, Nutrition Program, Older Hoosiers Program, Title III-D Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services, Title III-E National Family Caregiver Support Program, and Title V Senior Community Service Employment Program.
402 West Washington Street
P.O. Box 7083, MS21 Room W-454
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Toll-free 1-888-673-0002
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services, Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS)
BDDS provides services for people with developmental disabilities that enable them to live as independently as possible in their communities. BDDS helps people receive community supports and residential services using a person-centered plan to help determine needed services are needed and who can best provide them, and also monitors the quality of care and approved facilities.
There are many area offices in various regions across the state.
Toll-free (800) 545-7763
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services, Bureau of Rehabilitative Services, Blind and Visually Impaired Services (BVIS)
BVIS provides services to eligible people who are blind or visually impaired, including the Randolph-Sheppard Business Enterprise Program, which provides business opportunities for legally blind clients of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. These blind entrepreneurs manage a variety of food-service operations, including cafeterias, coffee shops, vending locations, and highway area vending sites; blind people receive training and opportunities through this program to become productive, tax-paying citizens and independent business owners.  The Older Blind/Visually Impaired Program provides independent living services for people age 55 and older with a severe visual impairment including cooking, money management, communications skills, Braille, grooming, mobility, and low vision aids.
P.O. Box 7083
402 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46207
(317) 232-1433
Toll-free 1-877-241-8144
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services, Bureau of Rehabilitative Services, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS)
DHHS provides assistance to identify and find resources to meet the needs of deaf and hard of hearing individuals and their families throughout Indiana.
402 West Washington Street, Room W453
P.O. Box 7083
Indianapolis, IN 46207
Toll-free (800) 545-7763
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA)
DMHA certifies all community mental health centers, addiction treatment services, and managed care providers; administers federal funds earmarked for substance abuse prevention projects; licenses inpatient psychiatric hospitals; operates six state mental health hospitals; and provides funding support for mental health and addiction services to target populations with financial need through a network of managed care providers.
402 West Washington Street, W 453
Indianapolis, IN  46207
Toll-free (800) 901-1133
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS)
VRS provides individualized services to enhance and support people with disabilities to prepare for, find, or retain employment.  People eligible for VRS include people who:  have a physical or mental impairment, have an impairment that constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment, can benefit from an employment outcome from the provision of vocational rehabilitation services, and require services to help prepare for gainful employment.  Individuals with the most severe disabilities are placed with qualified job coaches/trainers to provide individualized and ongoing support services needed for the individuals to retain employment.  Contact is made with the employer, and the employee is visited, either at or away from the workplace, to address issues that may interfere with the individual’s ability to remain on the job.
There are 5 regional offices across Indiana
(317) 232-3980