Week of September 22, 2020

Social Inequities in the Distribution of COVID-19: An Intra-Categorical Analysis of People with Disabilities in the United States

Sept 18 Disability and Health Journal announced pre-proof article
Learn more here.

High Quality Data for High Quality Population Health Programs

Sept 15 Population Health Alliance webinar slides
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HHS (CDC) Community Preventive Services Task Force Announces 5 Year Priorities

Sept 15 CDC announcement
Learn more here.

Public Health Communications Collaborative Launched

Sept 15 TFAH announced multi-partner collaborative, including ASTHO & NACCHO, to communicate the value of public health
Learn more here.

States Steer Hospital Community Benefits To Address Health Equity

Sept 11 National Academy for State Health Policy blog
Learn more here.

Strengthening City and Health System Partnerships

Sept 14 National League of Cities webinar materials
Learn more here.

Participant Engagement Guide – Engaging People Who Receive Services

Sept 14 ACL funded, NCAPPS announced guide
Learn more here.

Community Health Worker Programs: Evidence and Implementation Tools

Sept 11 Better Care Playbook shared resources
Learn more here.

Navigating the New Normal: Whole Health, Wellness, and Resilience

Sept 10 NCBH webinar materials
Learn more here.

The Importance of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sept 16 NIDILRR NARIC announced Univ IL Chicago R&T Center Psychiatric Services article
Learn more here.

CMS Withdraws Medicaid Intergovernmental Financing Regulation

Sept 15 NACo summary of the withdrawal of the “Fiscal Accountability Rule”
Learn more here.

CMS Releases Medicaid and CHIP Program Performance Data

Sept 16 CMS announced updated data

Learn more here.

Telehealth: Early Findings and Experiences in the COVID-19 Response

Sept 16 NCQA announced report
Learn more here.

Telehealth During a Time of Crisis: Medicare Experiences Amid COVID-19

Sept 4 LTQA newsletter shared Better Medicare Alliance and ATI paper
Learn more here.

Avoiding COVID-19 Burnout: Self-Care and Resilience for Public Health Leaders

Sept 10 NCBH webinar materials
Learn more here.

CMS Issues Medicaid Value-Based Care Roadmap for the States

Sept 15 CMS announced roadmap
Learn more here.

Behavioral Health and the COVID-19 Budget Crunch

Sept 16 Carnevale Associates brief
Learn more here.

CMS Eases Nursing Home Visitation Restrictions; Consumer Voice Summary

Sept 18 National Consumer Voice for Quality Long Term Care summary of Sept 17 CMS revised policies
Learn more here.

COVID-19 Infection Control in Nursing Homes: How CMS Is Responding

Sept 11 Center for Health Care Strategies blog
Learn more here.