Week of March 29, 2022

The Case for Inclusion: Blazing Trails To Sustainability for Community Disability Services

March ANCOR and UCP annual inclusion report

Influence of Disability Models on Person-Centeredness in Home-and-Community-Based Services

March 23 NIDILRR NARIC announced Shirley Ryan Ability Lab HCBS Center research brief

Reducing Costs for Families and States By Increasing Home-and-Community-Based Services

March 22 Community Living Policy Center at Brandeis University shared paper

An Economy That Cares: The Importance of Home-Based Services

March 23 Senate Special Committee on Aging hearing materials

Rethinking Day Services: The Without Walls Approach

March 24 ACL-CMS webinar slides

Web Accessibility and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – DOJ Guidance

March 18 Department of Justice announced guidance

Strengthening Federal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Programs: Opportunities, Challenges, and Emerging Issues

March 23 Senate Committee on HELP hearing materials

9-8-8 Crisis Lifeline: New SAMHSA Website

March 15 SAMHSA announced new website

The Use of Telehealth for Disability Evaluations in Medicine and Allied Health

March 9-10 National Academy of Medicine workshop materials

The Future of Telehealth and Behavioral Health: States Focus

March 15 NASHP shared blog

Getting Started with Telehealth and Serious Mental Illness

February 28-June 12, twelve-week SAMHSA supported, APA-psychiatry, SMI Adviser free course

Telehealth Was Critical for Providing Service To Medicare Beneficiaries During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 17 HHS OIG report

Medicaid: Unwinding and Returning To Regular Operations After COVID-19

March 21 CMS announced operations guide

Learning From COVID-19 Related Flexibilities: Moving Towards More Person-Centered Medicare and Medicaid Programs

March 23 AHP announced HMA-Manatt-Scan Fd issue brief

Long-Term Health Effects Stemming from COVID-19 and Implications for the Social Security Administration

March 21-22 National Academy of Medicine workshop materials
Learn more here.

Strengthening Primary Health Care

March 22-23 National Academy of Medicine webinar briefing book and materials

Education Pathways for Direct Care Workers

March 16 LTC Discussion Group sharing of Care Academy survey report

SAMHSA: Government Performance Results – Fact Sheets and Documents

March 22 SAMHSA announced and shared resources

Mental Health Criminal Justice: Evidence-Based Interventions

March 18 NASMHPD shared annual meeting presentation

Partners in Social Engagement: Collaboration with Faith Communities

March 17 HHS and US Aging Engaged Center webinar video