Week of March 19, 2019

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)-Health Care Collaborations in Aging and Disability: Success Stories

ACL & Hartford Foundation funded, n4a Aging and Disability Business Institute web stories
Learn more here.

Community Complex Care Response Teams To Improve Geriatric Public Health Outcomes

March 13 Univ of KY College of Public Health, RWJ Systems for Action webinar slides
Learn more here.

Using Social Risk Factors To Target Services To High-Need Medicare Advantage Enrollees

February 11 Commonwealth Fund brief
Learn more here.

Partnering To Address Behavioral Health: A Deep Drive Into Hospital/Health System Partnerships with Community Behavioral Health

February 6 NCBH-AHA webinar slides
Learn more here.

CMS 10 Opportunities To Better Serve Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid – Community Catalyst Analysis

March 14 Community Catalyst announced analysis
Learn more here.

Resources for States To Address Health Equity and Disparities

March 5 NASHP announced new web site
Learn more here.

Using Medicaid Levers To Improve Health Outcomes and Disparities – Louisiana

March 13 Center for Health Care Strategies Q&A with LA Medicaid director
Learn more here.

Implementing Telehealth: Experiences of Medicaid and Health Centers

March 6 HHS ASPE report
Learn more here.

CMS Issues Medicaid Section 1115 Waiver Guidance

March 14 CMS announcement
Learn more here.

Physical Activity Patterns and Multi-Morbidity Burdens of Older Adults with Different Levels of Functional Status

March 3 Disability and Health Journal announced article; requires a fee to access the entire article
Learn more here.

Housing for Health: Cross-Sector Impacts of Supportive Housing for Homeless High Users of Health Care

February 27 Univ of KY College of Public Health RWJ Systems for Action webinar slides
Learn more here.

Children with Health Complexity: Identifying & Serving – Oregon

March 14 Lucille Packard Foundation-Oregon Pediatric Improvement Project-NW Kaiser Permanente webinar shared project summary
Learn more here.

SAMHSA Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant – Fact Sheet

March 14 NASADAD announced fact sheet
Learn more here.

Rural Patients with Chronic Disease: A Nonprofit Organization-Health Department Leverage and Care Coordination – Alabama

March 12 NACCHO shared February 20 Rural Health Information Hub blog
Learn more here.

Principles of Community-Based Health Services for Criminal Justice Involved Individuals: A Research Based Guide

March 13 new SAMHSA announced guide
Learn more here.