Week of October 26, 2021

CMS Launches Webpage To Share Innovative State Actions To Expand Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS)

October 21 CMS announcement
Learn more here.

Workforce Displacement and Re-Employment During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Implications for Direct Care Recruitment and Retention

October 21 Hartford Foundation shared PHI report
Learn more here.

Workers with Long COVID-19 and the Americans with Disabilities Act

October 19 Great Lakes ADA Center webinar playback video and summary
Learn more here.

Charting a Course for an Equity-Centered Data System: Recommendations from the National Commission To Transform Public Health Data Systems

October 21 TFAH announced RWJ Foundation report
Learn more here.

Data Mapping the Social Determinants of Public Health

October 20 Governing article on the RWJ Foundation report
Learn More here.

Advancing Health Equity: Feds Can Improve Race and Ethnicity Data Collection

October 19 NCQA & Grantmakers in Health report
Learn more here.

Developing and Piloting a Tool To Create Dot Plots To Summarize Pooled Data for Multiple Outcomes in Systematic Reviews

October 20 AHRQ announced evidence-based report
Learn more here.

Making Progress on Healthy People 2030 Health Literacy Objectives

October 22 AHRQ blog
Learn more here.

Collaboration and Connection Between Clinicians, Patients, and Families Is Key To Improving Serious Illness Care and Health Equity

October 21 Hartford Foundation shared Massachusetts study
Learn more here.

Physical Activity and the Health of Wheelchair Users: A Systematic Review

October 20 AHRQ announced evidence-based report
Learn more here.

Social Determinants of Health: Expanding Access To Transportation To Advance Health

October 21 Congressional Social Determinants of Health Caucus briefing recording and overview
Learn more here.

Advancing Rural Health Equity Through Integrated Care

October 20 Nat Council for Mental Wellbeing webinar materials. Select “Past Events”.
Learn more here.

2022 State of Mental Health in America Report

October 19 MHA announced 8th annual report
Learn more here.

Understanding the Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC) Model

October 21 Nat Council for Mental Wellbeing announced new videos and other resources
Learn more here.

I Am Not Alone: Peer-to-Peer Networking Site To Combat Loneliness and Isolation

October 21 MHA announced new networking site
Learn more here.

A Fresh Look at Caregiving: Driving Solutions

October 18 Long-Term Care Quality Alliance webinar materials
Learn more here.

Medicaid and CHIP: Adapting To Telework

October 22 CMS announced playbook
Learn more here.

CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) Revised Strategy

October 20 CMS announced white paper
Learn more here.

Examining Options for CMS Innovations (CMMI)

October 20 Health Management Associates analysis
Learn more here.