Week of November 2, 2021

Streamlining and Simplifying State Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) Authorities

October 26 Bipartisan Policy Center report and briefing
Learn more here.

Money Follows the Person – Mandated MACPAC Analysis

October 28 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) mandated analysis
Learn more here.

Community-Based Long Term Services and Supports: Are the Needs of Older Adults and Their Caregivers Being Met?

October 27 Commonwealth Fund report
Learn more here.

Person-Driven Outcome Measures, Complex Care, LTSS

October 19 Hartford and SCAN Fds supported, NCQA and Playbook for Better Care for People with Complex Needs blog
Learn more here.

Patient Segmentation and Data on Health-Related Social Needs To Identify People with Complex Needs

October 28 seven foundations supported Better Care Playbook and Center for Health Care Strategies webinar materials
Learn more here.

5 Goals To Improve the Lives of Family Caregivers

October 12 AARP summary of the HHS RAISE Family Caregivers Act Advisory Council recommendations
Learn more here.

Public Health Infrastructure Modernization: How States Are Using COVID-19 as a Catalyst To Build

October 21 Altarum webinar materials
Learn more here.

How the Biden Administration Can Improve Population Health

October 19 Bipartisan Policy Center blog
Learn more here.

Associations of State Agencies Seek HHS Clarity on COVID-19 and Public Health Emergencies

October 29 Advancing States shared October 21 NAMD-NASDDDS-NASMHPD-ADvancing States letter to HHS
Learn more here.

50 State Annual Medicaid Directors Budget Survey

October 27 Health Management Associates (HMA) announced Kaiser Family Foundation-HMA annual budget survey report
Learn more here.

Building a Culture of Health – Government Public Health Agencies & National Nonprofits Partnership

October 19 CDC Foundation with ASTHO announced new initiative
Learn more here.

Primary Care and COVID-19: Leveraging Primary Care, Public Health, and Social Assets

October 18 Primary Care Collaborative (PCC) briefing and annual evidence report
Learn more here.

Health Literacy Patient Comprehending Health Information Toolkit

October 22 AHRQ Health Literacy “Universal Precautions” announced Toolkit
Learn more here.

Health Workforce Strategic Plan: HHS Through HRSA

October 26 HHS through HRSA announced strategic plan
Learn more here.

HHS Announces Overdose Prevention Strategy

October 27 HHS announced strategy
Learn more here.

Improving Opioid Prescribing: Six Building Blocks Toolkit

October 28 AHRQ announced toolkit
Learn more here.

Deflection and Pre-Arrest Diversion To Prevent Opioid Overdose

October 27 CDC funded, National Council for Mental Wellbeing announced tools and resources
Learn more here.

AAP, AACAP, and CHA Declare National Emergency in Children’s Mental Health

October 19 declaration
Learn more here.

Rural Hospitals: STAR Quality Ratings

October 27 HRSA funded Rural Health Research and Policy Center study
Learn more here.

PCORI’s National Priorities for Health

October 26 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) announced priorities
Learn more here.