Week of June 21, 2011

The Complexities of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and People with Disabilities: Current Perspectives

June 13 Disability and Health Journal shared opening commentary to a special DHJO on SUD – a NIDILRR funded project

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Raising the Bar – Requiring State Integrated Care Settings

June 14 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) annual report chapter

Telehealth and Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) for People with ID-DD

June 14 Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) shared study

HHS Authorizes Remote Communication Techniques for Audio-Only Telehealth

June 16 HRSA FORHP shared HHS guidance

What’s Next for Home-and-Community-Based-Services (HCBS)

June 17 Alliance for Health Policy briefing

State Approaches To Connecting Siloed Public Health Data (MI, MN, UT)

June 13 shared May 18 Altarum PH Systems Modernization series webinar recording and video

Mobile Crisis Teams: A State Planning Guide for Medicaid-Financed Crisis Services

June 14 TAC (Technical Assistance Collaborative) webinar shared 2021 guide

Answering the Call: 9-8-8 : A New Vision for Crisis Response

June 15 Bipartisan Policy Center briefing sharing their 9-8-8- report

On the Road to the Ideal Crisis System

June 14 NCMW webinar sharing their ideal crisis system roadmap

A New Day or More of the Same? Our Hopes and Fears for 9-8-8 (and 9-1-1)

June 14 Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law report

Evolving Crisis Standards of Care and Ongoing Lessons from COVID-19

June 15 National Academy of Medicine workgroup proceedings

Medicaid’s Role in Advancing Health Equity

June 14 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) annual report chapter.

Optimizing Treatment for Your Community: Utilizing Culturally Adapted Evidence-Based Treatment and Practices

June 14 SAMHSA Gains Center shared April 29 webinar recording and video

The Role of Managed Care in Addressing Health Disparities in Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment

May 31 PRA-AMCP May 4 webinar recording

Why Community Power Is Fundamental To Advancing Racial and Health Equity

June 13 National Academy of Medicine commentary

Non-Metro and Metro Trends in Mental Health Treatment Availability in Community Health and Community Mental Health Centers

June 16 HRSA FORHP Univ of KY Rural and Underserved Heath Research Center study

All States Must Set Higher Wage Benchmarks for Home Health Care Workers

June 2 Economic Policy Institute report summary

Concentration of Healthcare Expenditures and Characteristics of High Spenders

June 14 AHRQ announced Medical Expenditure Panel Survey report

Oversight of Medicaid Managed Care Directed Payments

June 14 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) annual report chapter

Accountability and Case Management: The Role of Quality Measurement

June 14 NCQA discussion with the Case Management Society of America