Celebrating the ADA this Disability Pride Month!

In honor of Disability Pride Month and the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26, AAHD wants to highlight the importance of this landmark law that has greatly impacted the lives of people with disabilities. AAHD is interviewing Michael Hoenig, Dr. Lisa Iezzoni, and Dr. Amy Houtrow, who all serve as board members with professional, academic, and lived experience with disabilities. In these discussions, AAHD will explore the effects the ADA has had on the lives of people with disabilities through their own words.  

Join Director of Public Health Programs Karl Cooper through this series of interviews! 

July 13, 2022 – Michael Hoenig

The first interview of the ADA Celebration was with Michael Hoenig, Program Coordinator at the Iowa University Center for Excellence in Disabilities’ Center for Disabilities & Development and “Disability Exchange” Podcast co-host. Michael has been on the AAHD Board of Directors for over 10 years, and serves as a co-chair on the AAHD Scholarship Committee. Michael discussed that he has been blind since birth, having been born with a retinal condition and was then diagnosed with cancer in his 50s. His broad experience of disabilities, self-advocacy, and being active in his own treatment has allowed him to embrace leading an active lifestyle. Michael noted that the ADA has ensured that “there are laws regarding the provision of accessible information and so for me that’s been crucial because I am my own guardian and I make all my health care decisions and I want to be able to choose with whom and when I share my health information.”

Upcoming Interviews:

  • July 20, 2022 – Dr. Lisa Iezzoni
  • July 28, 2022 – Dr. Amy Houtrow


View the interviews with captions on our Facebook or YouTube pages!