Week of February 6, 2024

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS): CAHPS HCBS Chartbook

January 25 Lewin for AHRQ announced, Westat prepared, HCBS CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) chartbook.

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS): Impact of ARPA Investments

January 29 ADvancing States and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) HCBS TA Collective announced report.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Centering Perspectives of Older Adults of Color in HCBS

January 30 Community Catalyst report.

Expanding Access To Service Coordination: Two Models of Braiding Funding

January 31 ACL webinar slides.

Increasing Inclusion for Patients with Disabilities: HRSA Learning Collaborative

January 30 HRSA Primary Health Care Digest announced Feb 26-March 18 four sessions.

The Inclusion Scorecard for Population Health

January 30 HRSA Primary Health Care Digest announced Health Outreach Partners Dec 13 recording.

Judicial Threats To Olmstead and the Americans with Disabilities Act

January 29 University of Georgia and Scattergood BH Fd Think Bigger Do Good paper.

Health Equity Considerations for a Crisis System

January 26 SAMHSA funded, Great Lakes MHTTC paper.

Health-Related Social Needs (7)

January 31 Center for Health Care Strategies “policy cheat sheet.” Previous 2024 AAHD news included HRSN items: Jan 9 (3); Jan 16 (2); and Jan 23 (one).

Patient Experience Health Care Self-Assessment Tool

January 9 National Nurse-Led Consortium tool shared with their four-webinar series on patient experience.

Evaluating Patient Experiences To Promote Health Equity (3)

January 25 National Nurse-Led Care Consortium webinar three – patient advisory councils.

Bridging ID/DD and Mental Health Systems: ACL’s Link Center

February 1 NASMHPD NRI shared January 4 Link Center presentation slides to the NASMHPD medical directors’ division.

Advancing Measurement-Informed Care in Behavioral Health

January 30 NCMW CoE for Integrated Health Solutions webinar materials.

Transit and Treatment: Effectiveness of Transit Systems To Improve Substance Use and Mental Health – in Connecticut (2)

January 24 RWJ Systems 4 Action webinar materials. Last week’s news shared a Health Services Research journal article on this topic.

Investing in CCBHC (Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers) To Fulfill Their Promise

January 29 Brookings and Scattergood BH Fd and Think Bigger Do Good announced paper.

CMS Prior Authorization Final Rules

January 29 Coalition To Preserve Rehabilitation (CPR) (AAHD and Lakeshore Fd are members) summary of the January 17 CMS final rule.

NIDILRR 2024-2028 Long Range Plan

January 30 ACL and NIDILRR shared long range plan.

Medicare Advantage: Everything You Need To Know

January 31 Commonwealth Fund policy primer.

CMS Launches “Value-Based Care” Spotlight Web Site

January 30 CMS announced web site.

Analyzing the Expanded Landscape of Value-Based Entities

January 31 Health Management Associates summary.