Reproductive healthcare experiences of women with cerebral palsy

Katharine Hayward, PhD, MPH, Angela Y. Chen, MD, MPH, Elizabeth Forbes, MPH, Rachel Byrne, PT, Marcia B. Greenberg, MS PT, Eileen G. Fowler, PT, PhD Disability and Health Journal, Vol. 10, Issue 3, p413–418 DOI:   Background Little is known about pregnancy rates in women with disabilities in general and even less is known about women with child-onset disabilities such as cerebral palsy […]

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Quality of life in young adults with cerebral palsy

Benran Jiang, Ph.D., Janet Walstab, B.Sc., Susan M. Reid, Ph.D., M.Clin.Epi., B.App.Sc., Elise Davis, Ph.D., Dinah Reddihough, M.D., B.Sc., F.R.A.C.P., F.A.F.R.M. Disability and Health Journal, Volume 9, Issue 4 Published online: May 02, 2016 DOI: Background Little is known about the quality of life (QOL) of young adults with cerebral palsy. Objective/hypothesis This cross-sectional analysis compares […]

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Muscle strength and anaerobic performance in football players with cerebral palsy

Javier Yanci, Ph.D., Carlo Castagna, Ph.D., Asier Los Arcos, Ph.D., Alfredo Santalla, Ph.D., Ignacio Grande, Ph.D., Joaquín Figueroa, Ph.D., Jesús Camara, Ph.D. Disability and Health Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 2, p313–319 DOI: Background This is the first study that quantified the anaerobic performance in football players with cerebral palsy (CP). Objective This study aimed […]

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Leisure-Time Physical Activity in adults with Cerebral Palsy

Koyo Usuba, M.Sc., Bruce Oddson, Ph.D., Alain Gauthier, Ph.D., Nancy L. Young, Ph.D. Disability and Health Journal, October 2015 Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 611–618 DOI: Background Cerebral Palsy (CP) is becoming more prevalent in the adult population, but there is limited information available regarding their Leisure-Time Physical Activity (LTPA). Objective To investigate the self-reported frequency and LTPA participation […]

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Are physiotherapists reliable proxies for the recognition of pain in individuals with cerebral palsy? A cross sectional study

Inmaculada Riquelme, Ph.D., Ignacio Cifre, Ph.D., Pedro Montoya, Ph.D. DOI: Background Pain is an important problem for individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). In addition to pain associated to the pathology, individuals with CP are often exposed to physiotherapy procedures which may cause or relieve pain. Objective The major aim of this study was to […]

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