The Olmstead decision and the journey toward integration: the evolution of social work responses.

The Olmstead decision declared unnecessary institutionalization as discrimination and triggered an expansion of community-based care for all people with disabilities including the elderly, thus accelerating integration. Setting a context for Olmstead and related social work interventions, this paper describes the evolution of definitions of disability and examines how social work has responded to the development […]

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Asset-building, financial self-management service model: piecing together consumer financial independence.

This program represents an innovative approach to traditional money-management services. This asset-building, financial self-management service model has the potential to positively affect recovery, self-sufficiency, and community integration for people with mental illnesses. It is hoped this program will be replicated by other providers in a way that may effect systems change. […]

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Social communication skills in persons with post-acute traumatic brain injury: three perspectives.

OBJECTIVE: To describe social communication skills problems identified by individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) compared to significant other (SO) and clinician ratings; and associations between these skills and participation outcome measures. DESIGN: Cohort study. METHODS: Sixty individuals with TBI > or = 1 year post-injury were administered measures of social communication, societal participation, social […]

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