Week of September 17, 2019

HCBS (Home and Community-Based Services) 35th Annual Conference Materials August 26-29 Advancing States HCBS conference materials Learn more here. HCBS Waivers: Significant Variability in States’ Coverage of Children with Medical Complexity September 5 Lucille Packard Foundation shared Health Affairs article Learn more here. Financing Integrated Health and Social Services for Populations with Mental Illness – […]

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Week of September 10, 2019

The Aligning Roles of Medicaid and Public Health August 14 ASTHO podcast Learn more here. What Does It Take To Build Culture of Health Community Power August 20 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Advances blog Learn more here. Engaging Allies in the Culture of Health Movement: Role of Anchor Institutions July 11 National Academy of Medicine […]

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Week of September 3, 2019

Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) System Balancing: Characteristics of 10 States with the Greatest Change August 13 CMS Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program announced April IBM-Watson Health report Learn more here. Self-Direction for Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid Utilizing Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) August 21 CMS MMCO-Lewin Group webinar slides Learn more here. […]

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Person-Centered Planning and Practice: ACL & NQF Definitions Slides 22-23 from the May 3, ACL funded, National Quality Forum administered PCPP committee meeting #one Learn more here. Self Determination in Services & Supports – Serving Persons with ID/DD Page 10 from the July 31 Council on Quality and Leadership symposium guide (with 2 other orgs) […]

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Week of August 6, 2019

Olmstead’s Impact on Medicaid’s Role in Providing Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) – MACPAC August 1 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) announced issue brief Learn more here. Improving Physical Accessibility from Health Care Providers for Persons with Disabilities July 29 CMS announced guide Learn more here. Wheelchair Accessible Medical Diagnostic Equipment July […]

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Week of July 30, 2019

Person-Centered Thinking, Planning, and Practice: The Role of Culture – Pieces of the Same Puzzle July 9 ACL funded NCAPPS webinar materials Learn more here. Transitional Care Programs for Vulnerable Populations: New Evidence on the Benefits of a Person-Centered Approach July 23 Center for Health Care Strategies blog on a May Journal of General Medicine […]

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Week of July 23, 2019

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: National Examination of Long Term Care Settings, Outcomes, and Disparities July Health Affairs article Learn more here. How Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) Can Address Social Determinants of Health July 17 Wellsky webinar materials Learn more here. To Address Social Determinants of Health, Start with the Data July 17 Mathematica […]

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Week of July 16, 2019

Medicaid Money Follows the Person Program: Impact Evidence July University of CA at San Francisco Community Living Policy Center paper Learn more here. Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services – National Quality Forum HCBS Quality Domains – Consumer Focus Groups Responses ACL and NIDILRR funded University of MN Center for Excellence in Disabilities web postings Learn […]

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Week of July 9, 2019

Infrastructure for Cross Sector Collaboration at Health Departments July 3 ASTHO announced Journal of Public Health Management and Practice article Learn more here. Coordinating Community Planning for Transportation and Health July 1 CDC shared JAMA article Learn more here. Health Center Performance Management – Incorporating Health Stakeholder Feedback July 2 HRSA announced May 16 HRSA […]

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Week of July 2, 2019

Reaching People with Disabilities Through Healthy Communities June 28 CDC NCBDDD Disability and Health Branch newsletter feature Learn more here. Comparing Persons with Disabilities’ Insider Experience About Participation in Institutional and Community Living: Satisfaction, Safety, and Supports June 23 available Disability and Health Journal article; there is a fee for the entire article Learn more […]

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