
OE6 Set to Begin

Open Enrollment Year Six (OE6) for health insurance is set to begin this Thursday, November 1, 2018. During OE6, people who are currently enrolled in an individual health insurance plan on the ACA marketplace are able to review their plan, check out their options and make any changes that they want to their health plan. […]

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Living Well with Age-Related Vision Loss

As you get older, you may notice changes in your vision. Sometimes you may just need a different glasses prescription, or special reading glasses. Other times, vision changes can be more serious. Some age-related eye problems, as well as conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS) or muscular dystrophy (MD), can cause you to lose some of […]

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Aging with a Disability: Tips for your Sex Life

An active and healthy sex life is an important, and often overlooked part of healthy aging. We are sexual beings with desires and needs that thrive through the emotional connection of sexual intimacy. Sex may be challenging if you’re aging with a condition, like multiple sclerosis (MS) or spinal cord injury (SCI). Many different things […]

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Employment Concerns

The fastest growing age group in the U.S. is over the age of 65, and the number of older adults staying in the workforce after retirement age is increasing. Disabilities and chronic health conditions are common in older adults. Although adults with disabilities can and do have active work lives, they experience higher rates of […]

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Tips for Improving Memory & Thinking

Cognition refers to thinking activities such as remembering, paying attention, learning new things, planning, and making decisions. Some changes in cognition are normal as people get older. For persons who are aging with physical disability, cognitive changes may impact your ability to cope with challenges related to your disability. Some people have minor changes in […]

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Tips for Improving Memory & Thinking

Cognition refers to thinking activities such as remembering, paying attention, learning new things, planning, and making decisions. Some changes in cognition are normal as people get older. For persons who are aging with physical disability, cognitive changes may impact your ability to cope with challenges related to your disability. Some people have minor changes in […]

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How to Find Trustworthy Health Information from the Internet

Older adults often use the Internet to find health information but may experience difficulties in finding information that they can trust. The information below aims to answer frequently asked questions and provide tips on how to identify trustworthy health information on the Internet. It is important to evaluate what you find on the Internet because: […]

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How to Sleep Better

Many people with physical disabilities suffer from sleep disturbances, and sleep tends to become more disrupted as we get older. Not sleeping well can negatively impact your sense of well-being and make other conditions worse including: Depression and anxiety Pain Fatigue Irritability Sleep difficulties can also lead to poor work performance and traffic or workplace […]

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How to do a Lot with a Little: Managing Your Energy

Individuals with disabilities are at a greater risk of experiencing fatigue than the general population, and this risk increases with age. While fatigue may be unpredictable from day-to-day and is experienced differently by each person, it generally occurs on a daily basis and tends to worsen as the day progresses. Fortunately, there are treatments and […]

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Health Care Visits

Health care providers are the most common source of health information so it is important to get the most out of each health care visit. Visits with health care providers are usually brief, packed with information and many health care decisions are made. Research has shown that people who are organized for their visits, take […]

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