AAHD has joined the Coalition To Preserve Rehabilitation (CPR) in submitting comments to CMS on proposed prospective payment rules for both inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) and skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). The two June 26 CPR letters are here: IRFs; SNFs. […]
Policy Updates
The American Association on Health and Disability plays an important role in disability policy and advocacy at the national level. AAHD strives to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities receive attention and respect on the national legislative agenda. AAHD is involved in numerous disability coalitions and networks that address the needs of people with disabilities. Please visit the Policy site to learn more about our activities in this area. AAHD staff maintain an active role in Washington, DC to ensure that health promotion and wellness for people with disabilities is on the disability and healthcare agenda. AAHD staff have positions on the APHA, Disability Section, Executive Council; the CDC, NCBDDD, Executive Committee; Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities-CCD and serve on the National Health Council; Coalition for Health Funding; Disability Rehabilitation and Research Coaltion; Coalition for Whole Health, Patient Care Primary Care Collaborative; and other coalitions advocating for policy that works towards reducing health disparities between people with disabilities and the general population and reducing the incidence of secondary conditions in children and adults with disabilities.
Behavioral Health Organizations Opposed Senate Proposed ACA & Medicaid Legislation
AAHD has joined 455 behavioral health organizations opposing the Senate proposed ACA and Medicaid repeal and replace legislation. The June 26 letter is here: PDF. […]
Behavioral Health Organizations Opposed Senate Proposed ACA & Medicaid Legislation
AAHD has joined 455 behavioral health organizations opposing the Senate proposed ACA and Medicaid repeal and replace legislation. The June 26 letter is here: PDF. […]
Opposing the Senate Proposed Repeal of the Prevention and Public Health Fund
AAHD has joined with 580 organizations, led by the Trust for America’s Health, opposing the Senate proposed Affordable Care Act legislation to repeal the PPHF. The June 26 letter is here: PDF. […]
Emergency Department Quality of Transitions of Care – Patient/Family Engagement and Role of CBOs
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have submitted comments to the National Quality Forum draft report for public comment on EDs quality of transitions of care. Our comments, available here, focus on communication with patients-family and the role of community-based organizations (CBOs) and resources. […]
CMS Medicare Skilled Nursing Facility – Prospective Payment
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have submitted comments to CMS on SNF PPS. We endorsed many of the recommendations of the Coalition To Preserve Rehabilitation and National Consumer Voice for Quality Long Term Care. The June 25 AAHD-Lakeshore letter is here: PDF. […]
Avoiding Cost-Effectiveness Relying on the “Average” Beneficiary in Alternative Payment Models – Promoting Personal Medicine
The Partnership to Improve Patient Care (PIPC), an organization that AAHD collaborates with, reinforces avoiding cost effectiveness analysis that focuses on the “average” beneficiary in the CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare, Alternative Payment Model Framework. The June 15 PIPC letter to CMS is here: PDF. […]
Factoring Prevention & Community Investments Into Alternative Payment Models
AAHD has joined Mental Health America (MHA) recommending two additions to the CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare, Alternative Payment Model Framework. The June 12 letter, available here, recommends factoring in prevention and community level investments by community-based organizations and social services agencies. […]
Factoring Prevention & Community Investments Into Alternative Payment Models
AAHD has joined Mental Health America (MHA) recommending two additions to the CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare, Alternative Payment Model Framework. The June 12 letter, available here, recommends factoring in prevention and community level investments by community-based organizations and social services agencies. […]
Mental Health Community Input to the US Senate on ACA Repeal and Replace, Focus on Medicaid, Part 2
On June 23, AAHD joined the Mental Health Liaison Group (MHLG) in submitting comments to the U.S. Senate on ACA repeal and replacement with a focus on Medicaid. The June 23 letter is here: PDF. […]