Public Policy Center

Integrating Behavioral Health-Primary Care

AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined the Clinical Social Work Association and International Society for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing in a No Health without Mental Health (NHMH) led response to a Commonwealth Fund blog. At issue: advocating one evidence-based model for integration (CW Fund) or recognizing the three existing evidence-based models (NHMH led letter). […]

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Reducing Short-Term, Limited Duration Health Insurance (STLDI) – Focus on Rehabilitation and Habilitation Services

AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined the Habilitation Benefits (HAB) Coalition supporting the Administration’s reduction in STLDI and reminding the Administration of the importance of rehabilitation and habitation services, as well as laboratory services, when discussing “essential health benefits” (EHB). The Sept 11 letter to the Departments of HHS, Labor, and Treasury is here: […]

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Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Rules (2) – AAHD and Lakeshore Foundation Submission

AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have submitted comments to CMS on proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule rules. Our focus was on health-related social needs and the variety of important community-based workers. On August 29, our public policy updates posted our joining a No Health without Mental Health (NHMH) led collaboration on the integration of behavioral […]

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Disability as a Recognized Health Disparity Population in NIH Research – 175 Organizations; 1,290 Researchers

AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined 175 organizations, led by former U.S. Representative and Partnership To Improve Patient Care (PIPC) founder Tony Coelho writing the HHS Secretary objecting to a NIH committee recommendation to “not” recognize disability as a health disparity population. On August 3, we posted on our public policy updates page AAHD […]

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House Committee Reports – Prohibiting Use of Disability Discriminatory QALYs in Federal Programs (HR 485)

The House Energy and Commerce Committee has reported legislation (HR 485) prohibiting the use of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) metrics and calculations in federal programs. AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined two coalitions – CCD and PIPC  – advocating such legislation.  The CCD letter was posted August 1 and the PIPC letter was […]

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