Public Policy Center

AHRQ RFI – Person-Centered Planning for Persons with Multiple Chronic Conditions

AAHD has joined a No Health without Mental Health led, AAHD, Clinical Social Work Association, International Society for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses, and Lakeshore Foundation submission to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) responding to the AHRQ RFI. The November 14 statement, focused on the TEAMcare intervention for integrating behavioral health and chronic […]

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Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment – Disability Community Comments to CMS

AAHD has joined the Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD) comments to CMS on Medicaid eligibility and enrollment proposed rules. The letter addresses areas of recent years AAHD focus: (1) relationship of  SSI and low income Medicare persons (QMBs); (2) subsidies for low income Medicare Part D medication persons; and (3) expense calculations for Medicaid […]

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Legislating the Promotion and Support of the Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care

AAHD has joined lead No Health without Mental Health; and Clinical Social Workers Association, the Lakeshore Foundation, and International Society for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses – submitting comments to the Senate Committee on Finance latest legislative discussion draft on the integration of behavioral health and general health/primary care. Available here are the November 4 letter […]

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