AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined the Independence Through Enhancement of Medicare and Medicaid (ITEM) Coalition submission in response to the CMS RFI on Medicare Advantage Data. The ITEM focus was on MA supplemental benefits transparency and low vision devices and services. The May 29 ITEM letter is here: PDF. […]
Policy Updates
The American Association on Health and Disability plays an important role in disability policy and advocacy at the national level. AAHD strives to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities receive attention and respect on the national legislative agenda. AAHD is involved in numerous disability coalitions and networks that address the needs of people with disabilities. Please visit the Policy site to learn more about our activities in this area. AAHD staff maintain an active role in Washington, DC to ensure that health promotion and wellness for people with disabilities is on the disability and healthcare agenda. AAHD staff have positions on the APHA, Disability Section, Executive Council; the CDC, NCBDDD, Executive Committee; Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities-CCD and serve on the National Health Council; Coalition for Health Funding; Disability Rehabilitation and Research Coaltion; Coalition for Whole Health, Patient Care Primary Care Collaborative; and other coalitions advocating for policy that works towards reducing health disparities between people with disabilities and the general population and reducing the incidence of secondary conditions in children and adults with disabilities.
Medicaid Guidance for Peer Support – Advocates Requests to CMS
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined a MHA-led letter for MHLG to CMS requesting guidance for recent Medicaid enhancements for peer support workers authorized in the Consolidated Appropriations Act. The May 28 letter is here: PDF. […]
Medicare PACE Program and Affordable Medications (S. 1703 and HR 3549)
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined a National PACE Assn led coalition letter to Congress, including AARP and Justice in Aging, supporting legislation promoting medication affordability for PACE beneficiaries (S. 1703 and HR 3549). Medicare PACE is the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (and persons with disabilities). The May 28 letter is […]
Medicare Prescription Payment Plan – Appropriations Request – Advocates To Congress
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined an Alliance for Aging Research led coalition letter to Congress requesting appropriations for the CMS Medicare Prescription Payment Plan.. The May 24 coalition request is here: PDF. […]
CDC Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Program Appropriations Request – Advocates To Congress
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined a TFAH led coalition letter requesting appropriations for the CDC REACH program. The May 14 coalition request is here: PDF. […]
CDC Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Program Appropriations Request – Advocates To Congress
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined a TFAH led coalition letter requesting appropriations for the CDC SDOH program. The May 14 coalition request is here: PDF. […]
Opposing Revised CMS Research Data Access Procedures – Potential Harm to Smaller Organizations
AAHD, a DRRC steering committee member, has joined the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Coalition opposing revised CMS research data requests and access procedures, because of potential harm to smaller and under-resourced organizations. The May 15 DRRC letter to CMS is here: PDF. […]
Universal Symbol for Language Assistance in Health Care Settings
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined 104 organizations, led by the National Health Law Program and National Immigration Law Center, supporting an HHS Office of Minority Health RFI on a universal symbol in health care settings for persons needing assistance because of limited English proficiency. The re-submitted May 20 letter is here: PDF. The […]
Strengthening MH/SU Peer Workers in Medicare (S. 3498 and HR 6748)
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined 46 national organizations, led by the Mental Health Liaison Group (MHLG) peer support work group, supporting legislation to strengthen peer workers in Medicare payment (S. 3498 and HR 6748). Available here are the May 10 letter to Congressional leaders and May 12 letter to the Senate Committee on […]
DOD Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program (OPORP) Appropriations Request: Advocates To Congress
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have joined a coalition of organizations and research programs requesting Congressional appropriations for the Congressionally-Directed DOD OPORP program. The May 13 letter is here: PDF. […]