Depression after spinal cord injury: relation to gender, ethnicity, aging, and socioeconomic indicators.

Objective: To investigate the relation among aging, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic indicators, and depressive symptoms after spinal cord injury (SCI). p. Design: Survey was done to collect cross-sectional data. A mediational model was used to analyze the interrelationships between predictors and depressive outcome variables. p. Setting: A large Southeastern rehabilitation hospital. p. Participants: Participants, identified from outpatient records who […]

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Functional changes in persons aging with spinal cord injury.

Declines in general physical function and the effect of these changes on activities of daily living and needs for assistance were assessed in 150 individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). The sample consisted of outpatients returning for follow-up at the spinal cord injury clinic at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey, CA. The […]

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Do medical conditions affect cognition in older adults?

Analyses of a nationally representative sample who completed a list recall task (weighted n = 6,446) and 2 mental status tasks (weighted n = 6,646) were conducted to determine whether specific medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes as well as general health ratings predict cognitive performance in adults aged 70 to 103. […]

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Physical activity interventions in low-income, ethnic minority, and populations with disability.

Background: Low-income, racial and ethnic minority, and populations with disabilities are more likely to be sedentary than the general population. Increasing physical activity in these groups is an important public health challenge. This report summarizes interventions that have targeted populations at risk for inactivity. Methods: Computer and manual searches were performed to identify manuscripts published […]

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