Exercise Research: Exercise Recommendations

Exercise for patients with chronic disease: physician responsibility. Painter P. Department of Physiological Nursing, University of California at San Francisco, Box 0610 UCSF, 2 Koret Way, Room 605C, San Francisco, CA 94143-0610, USA. painter@itsa.ucsf.edu Curr Sports Med Rep. 2003 Jun;2(3):173-80. Patients with chronic disease typically become severely deconditioned, which often leads to physical disability. Every […]

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Broadening participation in community problem solving: a multidisciplinary model to support collaborative practice and research. [Review]

Over the last 40 years, thousands of communities-in the United States and internationally-have been working to broaden the involvement of people and organizations in addressing community-level problems related to health and other areas. Yet, in spite of this experience, many communities are having substantial difficulty achieving their collaborative objective, and many funders of community partnerships […]

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Needs Assessment Research: Aging

Home adaptation: helping older people age in place. Fielo SB, Warren SA. State University of New York’s Health Science Center at Brooklyn, USA. Geriatr Nurs 2001 Sep-Oct;22(5):239-46; quiz 246-7 As people age, decrements in sensory, motor, and cognitive function often jeopardize their ability to manage activities of daily living safely and comfortably in their own […]

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Women with spinal cord injury and the impact of aging.

Objective: The objectives of this study were to describe what women with longstanding spinal cord injury (SCI) feel they are experiencing as they age, how they are coping and what they require in order to ensure their continued social and economic participation in society. Study Design, Methods, and Setting: A naturalistic approach was taken, incorporating […]

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Temporal and reciprocal relationship between IADL/ADL disability and depressive symptoms in late life.

A strong association between functional disability and depressive symptoms in older people has frequently been reported. Some studies attribute this association to the disabling effects of depression, others to the depressogenic effects of physical health-related disability. The authors examined the reciprocal effects between depressive symptoms and functional disability and their temporal character in a community-based […]

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Determinants of exercise in adults with cerebral palsy.

This study examined the impact of environmental factors and caregiver attitudes on exercise participation in adults with cerebral palsy using a social-cognitive model. The sample included 83 adults with cerebral palsy (47.0% males and 53.0% females). Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted with exercise frequency as the dependent variable. Independent variables included personal characteristics of persons […]

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Disability Policy Research: Population Estimates

History, implementation, and current status of the National Spinal Cord Injury Database. Stover SL, DeVivo MJ, Go BK. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1999 Nov;80(11):1365-71 Objective: To summarize a 25-year history of the Model Spinal Cord Injury Program and the coexistent National Spinal Cord […]

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Menopause and aging with disability.

Aging involves change and adaptation to change. The normal or usual changes of aging often have significantly greater impact on an individual whose disability has limited his or her physical or socioeconomic reserves. The aging process itself may be accelerated by overuse and compensatory mechanisms. The changes of aging have unique features in damaged body […]

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