Well balanced: 8 steps to wellness for adults with mental illness and diabetes.

Serious mental illness places a tremendous burden on clients, their families, and behavioral and medical health care providers. The co-occurrence of diabetes with mental illness may further compromise daily functioning. Psychiatric nurses can make a significant difference in improving the health and medical outcomes of this client population. A partnership was developed between the University […]

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Beyond “Landscapes of Despair”: the need for new research on the urban environment, sprawl, and the community integration of persons with severe mental illness.

The purpose of this commentary is to discuss important trends in the housing of people with severe mental illness in the past 20 years that require the attention of mental health geographers and other experts on the effects of place on mental health. Issues that are worthy of consideration in new research include: assessing the […]

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Florida: Coming Together for Public Health

In promoting the health of people with disabilities, delivering effective health communication messages, and assessing health risks and the health status of people with disabilities, Florida faces some unique challenges. First, more than 3.2 million Floridians – 22.2 percent – have a disability1 —considerably more than the national average of 19.3 percent. And the number of […]

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Weight gain in newly diagnosed first-episode psychosis patients and healthy comparisons: one-year analysis.

BACKGROUND: Various antipsychotics are associated with body weight gain. However, most study samples include high proportions of patients with chronic schizophrenia. We examined neuroleptic-induced weight gain in drug-naïve first-episode psychotic patients to limit confounding variables such as multiple past medication trials, history of partial adherence; or poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, associated with chronic […]

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Health Education Research: Education of Health Care Professionals

Sexuality in children and adolescents with disabilities. Murphy N.  Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah, 50 North Medical Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84132, USA. nancy.murphy@hsc.utah.edu Dev Med Child Neurol. 2005 Sep;47(9):640-4.  Comment in:  Dev Med Child Neurol. 2008 Aug;50(8):563. This review presents a discussion of the sexual development of children and adolescents with disabilities, […]

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Oregon: Charting New Paths to Health and Happiness

The Oregon Office on Disability and Health (OODH) embraces a holistic approach to health and well-being for people with disabilities, which promotes access to quality health care, employment, education, housing, recreation, meaningful relationships, and public and private services. OODH is currently working on two exciting projects: disseminating “Disability and Public Health” to schools of public health and […]

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Delaware: Making Health Strides for People With Disabilities

Alisha Raiford-Hall and Tom Kelly of Delaware’s Division of Developmental Disabilities Services (DDDS) have been hard at work. Thanks to a grant from the CDC in 2005, the division has been able to start incorporating the needs of Delawareans with disabilities into its overall Healthy People 2010 programs. As part of that effort, the Healthy Delawareans with […]

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Contribution of socioeconomic position to health inequalities of British children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities.

We examined the contribution of socioeconomic position to the health and mental health status of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities in a sample of 10,438 British children. Intellectual disability was a significant risk factor for poorer general health, OR = 4.5, emotional disorders, OR = 2.0, and conduct disorders, OR = 7.7. Between-group differences […]

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The acceptability of physical activity programming within a smoking cessation service for individuals with severe mental illness.

OBJECTIVE: There is a high prevalence of smoking and physical inactivity among individuals with severe mental illness (SMI). The current study assessed the acceptability of introducing physical activity, including perceived advantages and disadvantages, as an adjunct to a smoking cessation service within this population. METHODS: 109 participants with SMI who were receiving smoking cessation treatment […]

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