Disability Etiquette – Tips for Interacting with People with Disabilities

This fact sheet is intended to offer guidance to navigators on communicating more effectively with people with disabilities as they are doing ACA enrollment. As described in NDNRC “Guide to Disability Healthcare Insurance Marketplace Navigators” basic disability etiquette involves treating people with disabilities with respect.  For example, speak to the person directly, not to the […]

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Information for People on Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Waiting Lists

This fact sheet is intended to provide Navigators, Assisters and Certified Application Counselors with information about people with disabilities who are on the Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver waiting list.  HCBS waiver recipients and their families can seek health insurance through the Marketplace or through Medicaid expansion if that is occurring in their […]

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Referral and Resource Lists

This fact sheet is intended to help Navigators identify what additional resources are available to assist consumers with disabilities as they make decisions related to their healthcare coverage. Q1. Are there other organizations that have experience dealing with specific disability populations which would be able to assist me with questions I have about that population? […]

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Process for Medicaid Eligibility

This fact sheet is intended to give Navigators, Assisters and Certified Application Counselors an idea of the questions and informational needs that people with disabilities may have about Medicaid when they are looking into purchasing private insurance in the Marketplace Q1. What is Medicaid? A. In all states, Medicaid provides health coverage for some low-income people, […]

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Civil Rights of People with Disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

This fact sheet is to clarify some of the issues that may arise for Navigators when applicants and participants in the Marketplace need reasonable accommodations or policy modifications from Navigators, Assistors and Certified Application Counselors.1 It is intended to be a practical supplement that will help Navigators to evaluate how to best help consumers with […]

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Supporting Collaborations between Navigators, Connectors and Assisters, and Local Disability and Affinity Organizations

This fact sheet is intended to help Navigators, connectors and assisters understand why it is important to identify and build relationships with local disability and affinity organizations Q1. Some of the people I am assisting are individuals with disabilities. Should I learn more about community resources that might help them? A. While your primary role […]

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Prescription Medication Benefits

This fact sheet is intended to help Navigators answer specific questions that people with disabilities might ask about prescription medication benefits when they are considering buying health insurance through the Marketplace Q1. What do I need to know about prescription drug coverage as I evaluate plans I am considering purchasing? A. Prescription drugs are included […]

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Rehabilitation and Habilitation Services and Devices

This fact sheet is intended to help Navigators answer specific questions that people with disabilities might ask about rehabilitation and habilitation services and devices benefits when they are considering buying health insurance through the Marketplace Q1. What do I need to know about rehabilitation and habilitation services and devices? A. Health plans available through the […]

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Commit to Inclusion

A campaign that supports the implementation of Guidelines and Programming to empower people with disability to lead health, active lifestyles. Founding Partners National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition American Association on Health and Disability Center on Disability at The Public Health Institute Commit to Inclusion supports […]

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