Discrimination of tenants with a visual impairment on the housing market: Empirical evidence from correspondence tests

Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe, Ph.D., Koen Van der Bracht, Ph.D., Bart Van de Putte, Ph.D. Disability and Health Journal  April 2016, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 226–233 Published online: October 24, 2015 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2015.10.002 Background According to the social model of disability, physical ‘impairments’ become disabilities through exclusion in social relations. An obvious form of social exclusion might […]

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Weight loss intention, dietary behaviors, and barriers to dietary change in veterans with lower extremity amputations

A.J. Littman, Ph.D., L.V. McFarland, Ph.D., M.L. Thompson, Ph.D., E.D. Bouldin, M.P.H.,D.E. Arterburn, M.D., B.R. Majerczyk, M.P.H., E.J. Boyko, M.D. Disability and Health Journal, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 325–335 Published Online: November 29, 2014 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2014.10.003| Background Obesity is thought to be highly prevalent in persons with lower extremity amputations (LEAs) and can impair physical and social functioning. Objective […]

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Correlates of wellness among youth with functional disabilities

K.S. Menear, Ph.D, J.K. Preskitt, Ph.D, S.S. Goldfarb, Ph.D, N. Menachemi, Ph.D DOI: www.disabilityandhealthjnl.com/article/S1936-6574(14)00156-3/abstract Background The literature is more informative on the impediments to wellness among youth with functional limitations and less instructive on the state of wellness for this population. Objective To explore overall wellness, and each sub-dimension of wellness, in a national sample […]

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NCBDDD Scientific Publication Repository

Below is a partial list of CDC Notable Scientific Publications since 2010.  Please visit  www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/index.html to view additional research articles and scientific publications on topics such as Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Birth Defects, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Disabilities, Disability and Health, Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), Fragile X Syndrome, Hearing Loss, […]

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Psychological and physical functioning difficulties associated with complex activity limitations among U.S. adults

Mitchell Loeb, M.S., Bruce S. Jonas, Sc.M., Ph.D. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, 3311 Toledo Road, Hyattsville, MD 20782, USA Disability and Health Journal, Vol. 8, Issue 1, p70–79 Published online: August 14 2014 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2014.08.003 Abstract Background There is limited research that assesses psychological functioning categorically as a predictor […]

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What are the specific disability and limitation types underlying responses to the BRFSS disability questions?

Joshua Mann, M.P.H., M.D., Pallavi Balte, M.B.B.S., M.P.H., John Clarkson, M.P.H., Daniela Nitcheva, Ph.D., Catherine Leigh Graham, M.E.B.M.E., Suzanne McDermott, Ph.D. Disability and Health Journal, Vol. 8, Issue 1, p17–28 Published online: July 2 2014 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2014.06.007 Abstract Background Researchers rely on resources such as BRFSS data to understand the health status of people with […]

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