Week of November 30, 2021

Newly Revised Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals

November 17 Public Health Foundation and Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice revised competencies
Learn more here.

Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Guaranteeing Integrated Care

November 18 Bipartisan Policy Center briefing and report
Learn more here.

Assessing Progress with Person-Centered Requirements in the CMS HCBS Settings Rule

November 19 NASDDDS & HSRI new data brief on using NCI-IDD and NCI-AD data
Learn more here.

Expanding Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS) – Economic Effects (CBO)

November 23 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) presentation document
Learn more here.

Integrating Behavioral Health Into Primary Care Through Medicaid Managed Care

November 18 Center for Health Care Strategies webinar materials
Learn more here.

Concurrent Burden of Multimorbidity, Mental Health Conditions, and Severe Obesity Among U.S. Health Center Patients

November 23 HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care shared Obesity Medicine June journal study; there is a fee for the complete publication
Learn more here.

Race, Disability, Organizational Culture, and Social Change: Promising Practices for Centers for Independent Living

October 28 FISA Foundation with NCIL encouragement webinar recording and materials; scroll down to second webinar posting
Learn more here.

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and Medicaid: Options for Health Centers

November 15 HRSA supported, CSH webinar slides
Learn more here.

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH): Taking Stock, Historical Context, Impact of the Pandemic

November 23 Population Health Alliance shared issue brief
Learn more here.

Understanding Transportation Barriers for Diverse Individuals with Disabilities and Older Adults

November 23 NIDILRR funded, Mid-Atlantic ADA Center hosted, National Aging and Disability Transportation Center webinar materials
Learn more here.

Medicaid Waivers Including Section 1915 © Waivers – CMS Guidance

November 23 CMS shared CIB on state submission process
Learn more here.

Healthcare Workforce Resilience

November 23 HRSA webinar slides, including role of chief wellness officer and structured wellbeing models
Learn more here.

Behavioral Health Call Centers and 988 Implementation

November 19 NASMHPD shared NASMHPD NRI report on 43 states experiences
Learn more here.

Supporting Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness Through Community Partnerships

November 22 seven foundations supported Playbook for Better Care for People with Complex Needs blog
Learn more here.

Improving Health Care for People Experiencing Homelessness

November 17 Alliance for Health Policy briefing materials
Learn more here.

Telehealth in Complex Care: Evidence and Implementation Tools

November 18 seven foundations funded, Playbook for Better Care for People with Complex Needs new web collection and resources
Learn more here.

Which States Allow Telehealth Prescriptions for Opioid Use Disorder

November 19 National Academy for State Health Policy map resources
Learn more here.