Using everyday technology to compensate for difficulties in task performance in daily life: experiences in persons with acquired brain injury and their significant others

Larsson Lund M, Lövgren-Engström AL, Lexell J. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2011;6(5):402-11. doi: 10.3109/17483107.2011.574309. Epub 2011 Apr 18. SOURCE: Department of Health Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. PURPOSE. The purpose of this study is to illuminate how persons with acquired brain injury (ABI) and their significant others experienced individualised occupation-based interventions using commonly […]

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Caregiver Research: Respite Care

Effects of respite care for children with developmental disabilities: evaluation of an intervention for at risk families. Cowen PS, Reed DA.  College of Nursing, University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242, USA. Public Health Nurs. 2002 Jul-Aug;19(4):272-83.   Respite child care programs that provide temporary child care, support, and referral services to families of children […]

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Caregiver Research: Psychiatric Disabilities

Predictors of psychological distress in family caregivers of persons with psychiatric disabilities. Provencher HL, Perreault M, St-Onge M, Rousseau M. Faculty of Nursing, Laval University, Centre de Recherche Universite Laval-Robert Giffard, Quebec, Canada.  J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2003 Oct;10(5):592-607. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationships of primary and secondary […]

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Caregiver Research: Developmental Disabilities

Consumer-directed supports: economic, health, and social outcomes for families. Caldwell J.  Department of Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois in Chicago, Chicago, IL 60608, USA.  Ment Retard. 2006 Dec;44(6):405-17.   The impact of a consumer-directed support program on family caregivers of adults with developmental disabilities was explored. Economic, health, and social outcomes were […]

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Caregiver Research: Children with Disabilities

Achieving family and provider partnerships for children with special health care needs. Denboba D, McPherson MG, Kenney MK, Strickland B, Newacheck PW.  Division of Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers La, Room 18A-18 Rockville, MD 20857, USA. Pediatrics. […]

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Caregiving Research

Caregiving process and caregiver burden: conceptual models to guide research and practice. Raina P, O’Donnell M, Schwellnus H, Rosenbaum P, King G, Brehaut J, Russell D, Swinton M, King S, Wong M, Walter SD, Wood E.  McMaster University, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.  BMC Pediatr. 2004 Jan 14;4:1.   BACKGROUND: […]

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The health and well-being of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy.

OBJECTIVE: Most children enjoy healthy childhoods with little need for specialized health care services. However, some children experience difficulties in early childhood and require access to and utilization of considerable health care resources over time. Although impaired motor function is the hallmark of the cerebral palsy (CP) syndromes, many children with this development disorder also […]

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Personal assistance providers’ mistreatment of disabled adults.

This article describes a survey of 84 adults with disabilities who received personal assistance with activities of daily living from family members, informal providers, or agency personnel. Results showed that 30 percent reported mistreatment from their primary provider, and 61 percent reported mistreatment by another provider. Verbal abuse, physical abuse, and theft or extortion were […]

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Child behaviour problems and partner mental health as correlates of stress in mothers and fathers of children with autism.

  BACKGROUND: Previous research has suggested that the mothers and fathers of children with disabilities experience stress differently. Although there has been a great deal of research exploring how children affect parents, there have been many fewer studies of the interrelationships between mothers’ and fathers’ psychological well-being.   METHODS: Eighteen married couples who were the […]

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Disability, spiritual beliefs and the church: the experiences of adults with disabilities and family members.

AIMS: This paper reports the findings of a qualitative interpretive study that explored how people with disabilities and family members use their spiritual beliefs to establish meaning for disability, and to respond to the challenges of lived experience with disability. The participants’ perceptions of the evangelical Christian church’s influence on their spiritual experiences related to […]

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