Emergency preparedness.

The Boy Scout motto is “be prepared,” but can your home health agency abide by this standard? The post-9/11 days of 2001 and the natural disasters that have threatened people and plagued our home and countries abroad illustrate the heightened level of awareness and preparedness home healthcare agencies must achieve to satisfactorily meet emergency preparedness […]

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Emergency preparedness for the home healthcare nurse.

Recent events are quickly becoming the hard teacher: giving tests of preparedness first, then allowing for lessons afterward. However, each emergency teaches valuable lessons about assessment and preparation, and each lesson learned can be integrated into assessment of and preparation for the next event. This article outlines key steps that home care nurses can take […]

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Including employees with disabilities in emergency evacuation plans: 9/11’s effect on the demand for information.

Interest in emergency evacuation planning has increased since the September 11 terrorist attacks (9/11). In turn, the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) started receiving more questions about how to include employees with disabilities in such plans. JAN case data on the emergency evacuation of people with disabilities were reviewed. Case data from the four years prior […]

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Critical incident stress management for persons residing in institutions.

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) approaches have proven themselves to be effective in mitigating the stress and anxiety that are often found in at-risk populations in the aftermath of traumatic incidents. A frequently overlooked group of persons at risk are those individuals who reside in a variety of institutions. Extensive research spanning a half century […]

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Post-traumatic stress disorder in young people with intellectual disability.

BACKGROUND: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common and treatable. There is extensive research on people of average intelligence yet little on individuals with developmental disabilities. METHODS: We report two people with intellectual disability (ID) who experienced PTSD. The relevance of their developmental difficulties, social and communication profiles, attentional skills, and causes of these, to their […]

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