Senators Brown and Portman of Ohio have introduced legislation to authorize a new optional state administered Medicare and Medicaid Dual Eligible Integration Programs. Available here are: (1) Senator Brown July 27 press release; (2) July 27 Leavitt Partners administered dues paying members Dual Eligible Coalition support letter; and (3) Senate legislative text. […]
Policy Updates
The American Association on Health and Disability plays an important role in disability policy and advocacy at the national level. AAHD strives to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities receive attention and respect on the national legislative agenda. AAHD is involved in numerous disability coalitions and networks that address the needs of people with disabilities. Please visit the Policy site to learn more about our activities in this area. AAHD staff maintain an active role in Washington, DC to ensure that health promotion and wellness for people with disabilities is on the disability and healthcare agenda. AAHD staff have positions on the APHA, Disability Section, Executive Council; the CDC, NCBDDD, Executive Committee; Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities-CCD and serve on the National Health Council; Coalition for Health Funding; Disability Rehabilitation and Research Coaltion; Coalition for Whole Health, Patient Care Primary Care Collaborative; and other coalitions advocating for policy that works towards reducing health disparities between people with disabilities and the general population and reducing the incidence of secondary conditions in children and adults with disabilities.
Accessible Technology at Senate Select Committee on Aging Hearing
Available here is the July 28 Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD) joint task forces on rights and technology/telecommunications to the Senate Select Committee on Aging on accessible technology: PDF. […]
July – Disability Pride Month Congressional Resolutions (H. Res. 1282; S. Res. 718)
Rep McCollum (MN) and Senators Klobuchar (MN) and Portman (OH) have introduced Congressional resolutions recognizing July 2022 as Disability Pride Month. Available here are the resolution legislative text and July 22 support letter (includes AAHD). […]
Strengthening Behavioral Health Insurance Parity Coverage and Transparency
AAHD has joined over 50 organizations, led by the Mental Health Liaison Group (MHLG), supporting the Behavioral Health Coverage Transparency Act. The legislation, with lead sponsors Reps Cardenas (CA) and Porter (CA) and Senator Warren (MA) with 13 Senate co-sponsors and 13 House co-sponsors, strengthens the MHPAEA requirements. Available here are: the Rep Cardenas press […]
CMS Releases Medicaid HCBS Quality Measure Set – AAHD Highlights
Available here is the July 21 complete CMS SMD 22-003 on the HCBS quality measure release (40 pages). Also available are seven one page excerpts sharing AAHD highlights. AAHD has been working with a group of advocates to share ideas with CMS over the past 3 years. The seven one page excerpts include: Excerpts on […]
Strengthening Primary Care – Includes Behavioral Health Integration – Responding to HHS RFI
Six national organizations, led by No Health without Mental Health, and including AAHD, have submitted comments in response to an HHS RFI on strengthening primary care by integrating behavioral health. The June 27 HHS announcement is here: FACT SHEET: HHS Initiative to Strengthen Primary Health Care Seeking Public Comment | The July 21 coalition […]
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – Behavioral Health Initiatives
AAHD has joined the Mental Health Liaison Group (MHLG) thanking Congress for including behavioral health initiatives in the recently enacted Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Substantive details of the Act are included in the AAHD June 23 public policy update. Available here is the July 21 MHLG letter: PDF. […]
Addressing Opioid-Related Outcomes Among Individuals with Co-Occurring Behavioral Health Conditions
AAHD and the Lakeshore Foundation have submitted comments to the National Quality Forum on their behavioral health co-occurring conditions draft report for public comment. Available here are the June 7 NQF draft report and the July 17 AAHD-Lakeshore Fd comments. […]
Reauthorizing SAMHSA Training Program – MH Crisis and Living with MH Disorders (S. 4461)
AAHD has joined an American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) led, through the Mental Health Liaison Group, support of legislation (S. 4461) that would reauthorize SAMHSA’s mental health training program with an emphasis on mental health crisis services and living with mental health disorders. S. 4461 is co-sponsored by Senators Rosen (NV) and Cassidy (LA). […]
Granting DOL Enhanced Enforcement Authority of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA)
AAHD has joined a Kennedy Forum led, through the Mental Health Liaison Group, letter requesting the Senate pass legislation granting the Department of Labor civil monetary penalty authority for health plans not implementing MHPAEA. The July 13 letter is here: PDF. […]