Public Policy Center

Improving Medicare and Medicaid Non-Emergent Ambulance Service

3 US Senators – Ossoff and Warnock (GA) and Brown (OH) have written HHS asking that the CMS CMMI RSNAT (Repetitive Scheduled Non-Emergent Ambulance Transport) program be strengthened and avoid unintended consequences for persons with disabilities and persons with chronic health conditions in Medicare and Medicaid. The January 12 letter is here: PDF. […]

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Opposing Blanket Repeal (SUNSET) of HHS Rules Proposed by Trump Administration (2)

The co-chairs of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) task forces on health and LTSS wrote in support of the current administration proposed repeal of a proposed January 19, 2021 Trump Administration rule that would automatically repeal any rule in a timeframe unless the Administration has assessed and announced their assessment. AAHD is an […]

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