AAHD has joined 153 organizations through the CDC Coalition, led by the American Public Health Association, asking Congress to adequately fund CDC. The December 4 letters to the House and Senate are here: House; Senate . […]
Policy Updates
The American Association on Health and Disability plays an important role in disability policy and advocacy at the national level. AAHD strives to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities receive attention and respect on the national legislative agenda. AAHD is involved in numerous disability coalitions and networks that address the needs of people with disabilities. Please visit the Policy site to learn more about our activities in this area. AAHD staff maintain an active role in Washington, DC to ensure that health promotion and wellness for people with disabilities is on the disability and healthcare agenda. AAHD staff have positions on the APHA, Disability Section, Executive Council; the CDC, NCBDDD, Executive Committee; Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities-CCD and serve on the National Health Council; Coalition for Health Funding; Disability Rehabilitation and Research Coaltion; Coalition for Whole Health, Patient Care Primary Care Collaborative; and other coalitions advocating for policy that works towards reducing health disparities between people with disabilities and the general population and reducing the incidence of secondary conditions in children and adults with disabilities.
Adequately Funding CDC, Including the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion
AAHD has joined 86 organizations, led by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and American Public Health Association, asking Congress to adequately fund CDC, including its chronic disease center. The December 1 letter is here: PDF. […]
Adequately Funding CDC, Including the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion
AAHD has joined 86 organizations, led by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and American Public Health Association, asking Congress to adequately fund CDC, including its chronic disease center. The December 1 letter is here: PDF. […]
Congressional Tax Reform Proposals To Modify Income Tax Medical Deduction (4)
AAHD has joined an AARP led coalition supporting Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) amendment to maintain the income tax medical deduction. The November 30 letter is here: PDF. […]
Legislation Promotes Wellness and Prevention – S. 2164
AAHD has joined a Healthcare Leadership Council led coalition of 120 organizations supporting the Preventive Health Savings Act. The November 28 coalition letter of support is here: PDF. […]
Opposition To Congressional Tax Reform Proposals To Modify Income Tax Medical Deduction, Terminate ACA Individual Mandate, Stress Medicare & Medicaid Funding (3)
The National Health Council (AAHD is a NHC member) has released a talking points statement to oppose the Senate tax legislation. The November 29 NHC statement is here: PDF. […]
Opposition To Congressional Tax Reform Proposals To Modify Income Tax Medical Deduction, Terminate ACA Individual Mandate, Stress Medicare & Medicaid Funding (3)
The National Health Council (AAHD is a NHC member) has released a talking points statement to oppose the Senate tax legislation. The November 29 NHC statement is here: PDF. […]
Protecting the Prevention & Public Health Fund (PPHF)
AAHD has joined a coalition led by the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) requesting the Senate Finance and HELP committees to “not” reauthorize existing public health programs using PPHF dollars. The November 29 letter is here: PDF. […]
Protecting the Prevention & Public Health Fund (PPHF)
AAHD has joined a coalition led by the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) requesting the Senate Finance and HELP committees to “not” reauthorize existing public health programs using PPHF dollars. The November 29 letter is here: PDF. […]
Opposition To Congressional Tax Reform Proposals To Modify Income Tax Medical Deduction, Terminate ACA Individual Mandate, Stress Medicare & Medicaid Funding (2)
AAHD has joined 40 national organizations, led by Center for Medicare Advocacy, Medicare Rights Center, and Justice in Aging, expressing opposition to Senate tax reform proposals. The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities leadership (AAHD is a CCD member) has released a statement of 5 reasons to oppose the Senate tax legislation. The November 27 Medicare […]