Needs Assessment Research: Unmet Needs

A pilot study of needs assessment in acute psychiatric inpatients. Stansfeld S, Orrell M, Mason R, Nicholls D, D’Ath P. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, University College London Medical School, UK. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 1998 Mar;33(3):136-9 The needs of acute psychiatric patients have been less studied than those of long-term patients. A pilot […]

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AAHD welcomes Dr. Anjali Forber-Pratt as new Director of Research

Press Release Rockville, MD – The American Association on Health and Disability is proud to announce Dr. Anjali Forber-Pratt will be joining our organization in July as our Director of Research. This role is instrumental in directing AAHD’s outreach work to engage people with disabilities in the All of Us Research Program, including efforts on […]

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Week of April 30, 2024

Health Care Delivery of Clinical Preventive Services for People with Disabilities: May 17 Deadline April 17 AHRQ draft review for public comment; deadline is May 17. Learn more here. Physician Views on “Caring” for Patients with Disabilities April 24 Disability and Health Journal shared article summarizing a nationwide survey. Learn more here. Medicaid Final Rule […]

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Week of March 19, 2024

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS): Administrative Requirements March 7 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) meeting presentation. Learn more here. Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS): Workforce Interviews Findings March 7 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) meeting presentation. Learn more here. Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS): Opportunities To Address Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) […]

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Week of Februrary 12, 2024

Medicaid Disability Data Collection January 25 MACPAC (Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission) meeting slides. Learn more here. Disability Questions – Census Bureau/American Community Survey – No Change Now; More Public Comment February 6 Census Bureau announcement. Learn more here. Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid: Barriers To Substance Use Disorder Treatment January […]

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Week of December 5, 2023

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS): Three-Fourths of States Have Waiting Lists; 2016-2023 Updated Waiting List Data November 29 Kaiser Family Foundation report. Learn more here. Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS): Workforce Highlights November 3 MACPAC committee presentation was shared in Nov 21 (#38) AAHD news. Available here is page 4, HCBS workforce highlights. Learn more here. Medicaid […]

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Week of Nov. 21, 2023

Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS): Payment Policies To Support the HCBS Workforce November 2-3 MACPAC committee presentation. Learn more here. Medicaid Home-and-Community-Based Services (HCBS): Comparing Requirements for States November 2-3 MACPAC committee presentation. Learn more here. Unmet Need for Medical Care Among Medicare Beneficiaries – Disability and Insurance Literacy November 15 Disability and Health Journal shared […]

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Week of May 16, 2023

Health Care Delivery of Preventive Services for Persons with Disabilities: Comment To AHRQ May 5 AHRQ resources and questions; submission deadline is May 26. Learn more here. “Hospital at Home” – Latest Research May 9 John Hartford Foundation shared April 26 research posting. Learn more here. Collaborating Across Systems for Program Implementation April 30 RWJ […]

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